Destiny 2 Nominated For Audio Achievement Awards At British Academy Game Awards

In case you missed it the British Academy Game Awards were held last week, celebrating the very best in video games from visuals, gameplay, story, and so much more. Destiny 2, while it didn’t win unfortunately, was nominated for the audio Achievement award.
The winner in this category was Hellblade: Senua’s sacrifice, a well deserved winner I think you’ll agree. However it was the winning that intrigued me about this award, it was the fact that so many people have voted for Destiny 2 to get into this category, meaning there are a lot of Guardians out there who love the sounds of Destiny 2.
I know there aren’t a lot of people out there who appreciate the sounds of video games, with the soundtrack coming in so far down on the priority list that you may as well forget about it. However, I quite enjoy a good soundtrack in a game. When it comes to a point where the music swells or has a particular moment that makes everything feel totally different, interesting, and awe-inspiring, I do stop and listen.
I couldn’t pinpoint a moment in Destiny 2 where the music made me feel a particular way, or a particular emotion, and I think that must be why it didn’t win this award. but that doesn’t mean the music isn’t fantastic.
The opening mission in Destiny 2 has some of the best music in the entire game, including all the DLC for Destiny 1. You’re never made to feel more powerful than when you begin the game as a new character, apart from maybe at the end of the game when you defeat the final boss.
Bungie have done an extremely good job of creating a campaign that makes you feel powerful, but each individual world also feels great in part because of the music that’s playing while you explore.
The Crucible is another example of where Destiny 2 excels in the music department, but with all of the gunfire going on throughout the game it almost gets a bit lost underneath whatever Exotic weapon you’re using. Let us know what you think of the music in Destiny 2 in the comments.
Image Source: IGN