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/ 7 years agoIs Vigilance Wing The Best Exotic Pulse Rifle?
When it comes to PVP there are a number of weapons that are ranked in the top ten, but when you...
Destiny News
/ 7 years agoXur Inventory Destiny 2 – May 25th To 28th
Xur is back once again! But has he brought with him anything that’s going to be of use to you with...
/ 7 years agoNew Exotic Emote Causing Controversy
A new emote that’s available for a limited time from the Eververse Store is causing some outcry from fans because it’s...
/ 7 years agoIs SUROS Regime The Best Exotic Auto Rifle?
SUROS Regime is one of the exotics that’s made the transition from Destiny 1 over to Destiny 2. As such it’s...