Is Vigilance Wing The Best Exotic Pulse Rifle?

When it comes to PVP there are a number of weapons that are ranked in the top ten, but when you look half way down that list you’ve got Vigilance Wing. This is a very powerful Exotic Pulse Rifle, but is it the best one in Destiny 2? Let’s take a look at the stats and perks to see what makes it special.
The stats on this weapon are; 530 Rounds Per Minute, Impact 33, Range of 64, Stability of 64, Magazine of 30, Reload Speed of 46, and Handling of 40. The hidden stats are Zoom of 17, Inventory Size of 55, Aim Assistance of 60, and Recoil direction of 79. When you look at these stats they really don’t stand out from the crowd, the Impact and Handling in particular are not brilliant, but they’re going to be brought up by the perks when we check those out next.
The Exotic Perk, Harsh Truths, makes this weapon fire 5-round bursts, and when a nearby ally is killed you’ll get a boost to health regeneration and movement speed. The other perks are; Corkscrew Rifling, slightly increases Range, Stability, and Handling Speed. Alloy Magazine, which makes the weapon reload faster when the magazine is empty. Last Stand, improves weapon performance and Recovery when you’re the last one in your fireteam alive. Finally, Composite Stock slightly increases Stability and Handling Speed.
The perks really do lift the weapon up to be on a totally different level here. The fact that it fires a 5-round burst as well is very great because you can sometimes get a kill with one single well-placed shot. The reason this is such a prevalent weapon in PVP is because of the power it has to heal you when allies die, meaning in matches such as Control you’re going to be seeing a boost every few minutes. Almost every stat also gets a boost from the other set of perks so that raises it once again, giving you a much better stat pool and overall weapon in general, but is it the best Exotic Pulse Rifle?
The only competitor that Vigilance Wing is up against is Graviton Lance, and that’s ranked #2 for PVP. It’s got a nasty Exotic Perk that does away with any kind of drop off in damage and speed for every second shot, and that’s really where it only begins to make Vigilance Wing look like a joke. Almost all of the stats are better, and they’re only improved upon by the perks that it’s got up its sleeves.
Unfortunately it looks like I have to say that Vigilance Wing is not the best Exotic Pulse Rifle, but of course that’s just my opinion. Let me know what you think in the comments.
Image Source: DestinyWiki