Destiny News
Xur Location and Inventory for February 25th and 26th

Who is Xur?
Xur Agent Of The Nine, works for the mysterious group, The Nine. While Guardians have never seen The Nine, it is said that their influence is vast. Xur, the moss-tentacle-faced vendor visits social spaces once a week, bringing with him a variety of exotic items, which Guardians can purchase with Strange Coins.
Xur’s Location
This week Xur has moved into the Tower, and hidden himself away a little next to the Crucible Quartermaster. Head straight forward from spawn and then go down the stairs. Once you’ve passed Eris and her scary old cauldron then go for the Crucible Quartermaster on the left, Xur is the creepy guy staring at you from behind him in the shadows.
Xur’s Inventory
Exotic Weapon: Hawkmoon (Exotic Hand Cannon) 23 Strange Coins
Well, well, the Hawkmoon is back once again from Xur. We’ve already covered whether you should buy this weapon from him, but just to refresh your memory, the perks for this gun give three random bullets additional damage. With a smaller magazine that means that you’re going to be blasting off very powerful shots quite often.
Exotic Chest Armour: Twilight Garrison (Titan class) 13 Strange Coins
This armour has an exotic perk that allows you to dodge while airborne, quite important for a number of reasons. Firstly, if you’re using a weapon that has a perk increasing it’s damage while airborne, this will allow you to deal more damage. Likewise, when there’s a modifier increasing damage while airborne then this armour is vital.
Exotic Helmet: Celestial Nighthawk (Hunter Class) 13 Strange Coins
This helmet is a bit great. If you’re running with Gunslinger class then it’s really quite powerful, providing you’re willing to sacrifice three Golden Gun shots for one. The advantage is that you get six times the damage from that one Golden Gun shot, making short work of bosses and turning you into an important part of your fireteam.
Exotic Gauntlets: Claws of Ahamkara (Warlock Class) 13 Strange Coins
These gauntlets are applicable to all Warlock classes, granting an additional melee charge. This is very helpful for all kinds of PVE, and particularly PVP when you’re running around shooting a lot and need that final punch to finish off your enemies.
Legacy Engram: (Exotic Body Armour) 29 Strange Coins – The Legacy Engram will decode for a Year 1 or 2 piece of armour to complete your collection. Some of these items can be infused to Year 3 Light Level.
Three Of Coins (Consumable) 7 Strange Coins
Plasma Drive (Consumable) 23 Strange Coins
Emerald Coil (Consumable) 23 Strange Coins
Heavy Ammo Sythesis Consumable) 3 Strange Coins
Glass Needles (Consumable) 3 Strange Coins, 3 Motes Of Light, and 1 Exotic Shard
Our Take
If you’ve already bought Hawkmoon then you’re good, but if not then go and buy it! The Celestial Nighthawk is one of the best Hunter helmets, so it’s also worth buying if you’re running a Hunter these days. The rest of the armour is good but it’s down to what class you’re using mainly at the moment that will make the decision on what you buy.