On December 8th, 2020 Bungie released a Developers Notes entitled Rewards. Within this document was an outline of things to come in the near future as well as hints at the expansive world we’ve come to love, becoming even more expansive. 2021 already seemed interesting with Witch Queen coming in the fall, but before we can take out another Hive God we will need to experience a whole new type of Destiny. Without any more delay let’s hop right in and see what this is all about.

Refreshing the Loot Pool
The first note in the Developer’s Notes addressed the elephant in the room,”Where’s all the loot?” Starting in season 13 there will be not one, but six pinnacle weapons (two per core activity) obtainable for all guardians. However there will also be three nightfall exclusive weapons: The Palindrome, The Swarm, and The Shadow Price; and for those who like to go to the extreme, completing Grandmaster Nightfalls with grant you and Adept version of the weapons above. Finally the Devs state that all future expansions will have a loot pool bigger than that of Shadowkeep & Beyond Light and will have something more along the lines of Forsaken or The Taken King.
Return to The Vault of Glass

Shortly after Beyond Light was revealed, we were told the infamous Vault of Glass would return as well, but in a later season. It looks as if guardians should prepare to make their own fates once again, because Vault of Glass could be here as soon as Season 13. And if the Moon terminals displaying the Venus logo doesn’t make you excited a leak on Reddit suggests the Vault’s security may have been upgraded since we last traversed its abyss. Whether you’re a new or old guardian the Vault will offer plenty of loot and memories in the near future.
No date fully confirms when we will be able to play across consoles only the year of 2021. Keep your friends on other consoles in mind in the near future. With crossplay comes an update for all consoles that includes DDOS protection. This update will come in season 13, but crossplay has no confirmed season yet.
Expanding Activities

Coming in Season 13, two more Cosmodrome strikes come back in Destiny 2. Fallen S. A. B. E. R. and Devil’s Lair become active when the new season rolls around in 2021. If you like the new Master and Legendary Lost Sectors be prepared because in Season 13 these won’t be just on Europa, but on the Moon as well. Don’t worry these won’t be stuck to the Season 12 exotics; in season 13 three new exotics will enter the Lost Sector loot pool for players to grind for.

Transmog is the ability to make any armor piece into an ornament; something that has been on the table for quite some time. Well coming in season 14 players will be able to transfer any armor pieces they have earned across Destiny 2 into a wearable ornament.
The Witch Queen

The final piece of 2021 news would be the fall expansion. In the Witch Queen we will go head to head with the Hive God, Savathûn. Do you have what it takes to extinguish her? Guess we’ll find out next fall.
That just about wraps up the Develop’s Notes. If you want to read them yourself a link will be left below. Take it easy guardians and I hope you’re enjoying Beyond Light.
Image Source: Eurogamer