Last week, Bungie announced threads of Light. No one was certain as to what this was until the This Week At Bungie article, which revealed all. So this is a fashion magazine that seems to take a look at the best-looking Guardians in the world and highlight both them and their outfits for others to gawk at. I don’t know the point of it in any further detail than that, but I think there’s a lot more that could be done given Bungie’s previous plans for multi-media expansion in the Destiny universe.
Bungie has said that it is working with a group of Guardians who worked don a fashion magazine in the past. I think that group created Hand Cannon Vogue, a digital magazine concept that I was a huge fan of. It was the same thing essentially but also had the quotes for other articles in the magazine that actually make it worth buying. Therein lies the thing that’s confusing me about Threads of Light. I don’t know if it’s just a series of images, or an actual digital magazine.
I buy magazines and read websites for the articles and videos. The insightful stuff. However, I also appreciate the images and art that go into them, and they wouldn’t be worth buying without that. But magazines need both to be worth it. If threads of Light is free, then great! I’d love to get a free magazine that lists amazing outfits and the armor you need to make your Guardian look that way.
What I don’t want is a subscription that gives you a tiny PDF with barely any content in. Images are great, but let’s have some meaningful articles too. There’s so much potential for a good writer to come in and write something great about each of the Guardians who are showcased in the magazine, and it would be a shame if Bungie missed out on that opportunity.
Let us know your thoughts on this magazine in the comments. Do you want it to have insightful stuff as well as images? Or would you rather stick with a few images that are nice to look at for a second and then never think about again?