Destiny News
Destiny 2 Is Going To Europa! Leaked Video Reveals
While most of us are worried about whether Titan is going to be around for much longer, it seems like we’re actually going to be heading to Jupiter’s moon Europa later this year.

Yesterday someone uncovered a short clip that teased a big Destiny 2 reveal. It was quickly taken down, with the many accounts that reposted it being obliterated as soon as the video was back up. Luckily the URL for the video still works, and we’ve managed to get it going here.
As you can see, Eris Morn is on an icy planet near Jupiter. In fact, this is a moon within Jupiter’s orbit, and it’s almost certainly Europa. This icy world has long been a location that Guardians have speculated about us heading to at some point in the future, and now it looks like it’s going to come to fruition.
Why Europa? Well Jupiter is about where the Darkness pyramid ships are hanging out, so it would make sense that Eris Morn would come here to come and have a look at them. She loves the Darkness and all that good stuff.
While this is exciting, it’s definitely just a teaser for the reveal of the fall expansion. Bungie isn’t about to add an entire new patrol zone, enemy race in the form of The Veil, and story just for a new season.
We’ve already been told that we’ll hear more about season 11 and the fall expansion at the same time, and the reveal date of the 9th of June indicates that this will be the date that both pieces of new content are finally shown to us.
There is loads of speculation surrounding next season and the fall expansion. I don’t know where we’ll be going with the next season, but I imagine that the overarching story will see us preparing to head to Europa to take on The Veil.
Everything is building up to see the Guardians go into an all out war with a new enemy, and that enemy will be The Veil. I think that Destiny 2 year 4 is going to be bloody, brutal, and bring a lot of new stuff with it.
We may get a new subclass for Darkness powers, we’ll also probably get a lot of new weapons, possibly with new elements attached to them, in the process. There’s a lot that might be coming, but I think it’s best to wait and see what Bungie says before we dive in too deep.
What do you think about this teaser reveal? Let us know in the comments.
Image Source: Forbes