Destiny News
Wardcliff Coil Helps Redeem Clan Claim First Prestige Raid Victory

The Prestige version of the Leviathan raid went live in Destiny 2 this week. The launch of the Prestige raid had previously been delayed due to a glitch Bungie were attempting to patch prior to launch, however in the end they said they wouldn’t delay it any further but instead were able to track for the glitch. This means that Bungie is able to track the first legitimate completion of the Prestige Leviathan Raid, and they’re announcing the top three winners tomorrow.
However, the first clan to claim victory over the new raid variant, Redeem, have had their victory soured by some Guardians claiming that they used the Wardcliff Coil glitch in order to get more Power Ammo and therefore make the end boss easier. But what is this glitch? Are Bungie tracking it, or even aware of it? What is Wardcliff Coil?
Wardcliff Coil is an Exotic Rocket Launcher that was sold by Xur a number of weeks ago. Of course because Destiny 2 is still fresh, most players are buying whatever weapon Xur has simply for Power Level and collection purposes. The weapon fires a volley of rockets and reloads automatically on Power Ammo pickup, but this isn’t what supposedly aided Redeem in their victory.
The Wardcliff Coil glitch requires Guardians to have Wardcliff Coil equipped when they spawn, some say that you then need to kill an enemy but others say this isn’t required. Then when the ammo is spent, players swap to another Exotic in the Power Weapon slot, finding they have full ammo and are ready to deal damage instantly with another Power Weapon. This basically means that before bosses all Guardians can wipe with Wardcliff Coil attached, at a checkpoint of course, and spawn in ready to do maximum damage. If an entire fireteam is dealing two Power Weapon’s worth of damage to a boss in a DPS phase then they’ll go down much faster. Or will they?
There is some question as to how quickly this glitch helps a fireteam finish the raid. Yes they can do more damage and finish the boss quicker, but there are weapons out there that will do more DPS in a phase than Wardcliff Coil and any other Power Weapon Exotic, Coldheart for example. While there is no exact data on this yet I’m sure some helpful Guardians will do a comparison very soon.
Bungie has commented on the glitch, saying that they’re not able to track it and it isn’t the glitch they were expecting players to use in order to make the Prestige raid easier. They have openly said that they’re announcing the first three clans/fireteams to finish the Prestige raid tomorrow, and it’s down to each individual fan to decide who they think deserves the victory based on use of this glitch.
Image Source: PowerPyx