Destiny News
Thunderlord Could Be Making A Comeback In Destiny 2

Earlier this week it was reported that Thunderlord, an Exotic Machine Gun from Destiny 1, might be returning to Destiny 2. The reasons behind this are fairly flimsy, but flimsy generally does lead to fact in the universe of Destiny.
In the most recent update for Destiny 2, 2.0.4, dataminers managed to find evidence of Thunderlord. The evidence is Feeding Frenzy, the name of one of the original perks that the weapon had in Destiny 1. The thing is, this perk isn’t assigned to any weapon in Destiny 2. Oddly this only serves to feed the flames of rumour in the Destiny community, as perks appeared for Whisper of the Worm before the weapon was added to the game at all. With the hidden Exotic Sniper Rifle the perk, White Nail, appeared in the files for Warmind when it was added, though the weapon itself was nowhere to be seen.
Further hints that the weapon is coming back in Destiny 2 are in audio files that suggest in the future Guardians will be returning to the Cosmodrome. The audio files seem to be very similar to those heard in the E3 2013 demo for Destiny 1, which showed a mission in which players could earn exceptional gear very early in the game. The thing is, Destiny 1 was given a real nerf on the gear you can earn early on, meaning Thunderlord never appeared in that mission. However, Guardians think that the audio files indicate we’ll all be able to play that mission as it was in 2013, and that’s where Thunderlord will rear it’s shiny head.
It’s thought that Thunderlord is going to be revealed, alongside this mission, with the Festival of the Lost. The theory goes that when the questline that sees us track down Master Ives’ killer goes live on the 30th of October, we’ll be taken to the Cosmodrome and into the very early mission from 2013. There in some way we’ll be able to complete the mission and earn Thunderlord, or a new Exotic quest that will lead to it.
That’s really it regarding the rumours and theories, but they seem fairly likely given the evidence and past example of Whisper of the Worm. Let us know what you think of this theory in the comments.
Image Source: PlanetDestiny