Destiny News
The State Of Destiny 2 Updates Overview

Bungie promised to update Guardians on how they’ll be changing the game’s quality of life, and most importantly XP, yesterday after cancelling the third Curse of Osiris livestream reveal event. They’ve delivered on their promise and have dumped a metric tonne of information via a massive blog post on the Bungie website. This article is a brief overview of the incoming changes to the game, but we’ll be doing more in-depth articles for various sections of Destiny 2 to categorise the nitty gritty details.
About a month ago Bungie posted a list of updates coming to Destiny 2, and they’ve made a lot of progress on those. While some of the updates are releasing in December some won’t be until the new year. Let’s take a closer look at how they’ve progressed.
The most engaged players, and by that I guess Bungie mean the non-casual players, will be getting some additional optional pursuits, including an entirely new weapon tier, Masterworks. Masterworks will be newer, better versions of certain Legendary weapons that have additional re-rollable stat bonuses, though I imagine only one or two to prevent a Destiny 1 situation with the re-rolling of every gun.
An improvement to vendor rewards is also being implemented, which adds a way for players to buy rewards from vendors directly with Legendary Shards or the relevant Token for that vendor. Amour will also be getting better with Ornaments, which grant a visual permutation of the armour for completing specific armour challenges.
Bungie is also adding better incentives for completing Prestige activities, a change that won’t actually hit Destiny 2 until January. Other than that there’s no further detail on this point.
A Heroic Strike playlist will hit the game in December and will provide more generous rewards for players completing them, maybe some Exotics drops? The rewards for Lost Sectors and Adventures are also, as Bungie put it, on the radar but won’t see any change in the December update delivery.
No date is confirmed but at some point in early 2018 private matches will be coming to the Crucible in Destiny 2. Bungie is also working on ranked PVP as a priority at this point, because fans have been asking for it for a very long time.
What will be introduced in December for the Crucible is adjusted Supremacy scoring (thank the lord!) and better spawning rules, alongside other bug fixes and niggles annoying the players. There will also be better incentives for completing games and penalties for those who quit early which will deploy in 2018.
The next Iron Banner and Faction Rallies events will have improved rewards from vendors as well as other alterations to make them more enjoyable.
Weapons mods will be made more interesting and effective as an economy in the new year, with changes to how they’re acquired and probably how they effect our weapons.
Exotics will also see an overhaul with under powered ones being changed to make them effective and useful in a Guardian’s arsenal. A new system relating to Xur will help prevent Exotic duplication as well, something us collectors can be very thankful for. On this note, there will be new ways to spend surplus currency, such as Legendary Shards.
Finally there will be a number of new emotes coming to the game; Salty, Spicy Ramen, Six Shooter, and Flip Out. Updates on the deployment of these will be given as they’re released.
Let us know what you think of these updates, more in-depth articles on each section of Destiny 2 mentioned will follow.
Image Source: ComicBook