Destiny News
The Last Word Quest Details Discovered

The Last Word is expected to be the Exotic weapon Guardians are uncovering via a questline as part of the Black Armoury expansion. This questline is expected to be similar to the one required to collect Thunderlord, in that it rolls out over a few weeks and keeps players eagerly anticipating that sweet, sweet reward.
Today it seems as though some details about the questline for The Last Word, or at least what’s expected to be The Last Word, have been revealed.
To start off the quest Guardians are going to stumble upon a mysterious Hive artefact. We’ll be taking this item to The Drifter who is going to somehow relate it to the Weapons of Sorrow.
The Weapons of Sorrow are weapons that have been tainted by the Hive. Ones we know about specifically include; Necrochasm, Thorn, Malfeasance, and Touch of Malice.
After telling us that he believes the artefact is related to the Weapons of Sorrow, The Drifter will give us pages from a dark book which will further our understanding of the weapons.
The book Guardians are given cleanses the Hive artefact, making it hunger for Light. This step then requires Guardians to get kills in the Crucible, which makes a lot of sense if you think about it.
After this Guardians have to complete the quest Damnation. This mission sees Guardians interrupt a Hive ritual over on Titan. So far things have been very similar to the Thorn quest, but now they change.
The Drifter is going to tell us now that the artefact and The Weapons of Sorrow are related to Xyor the Unwed. This is the Witch who cursed the titan Rezzyl Azir, for those who love Destiny 2 lore.
So Xyor the Unwed turned a Guardian into Dredgen Yor, and in the process turned his Hand Cannon from Rose into Thorn. It’s suspected that this is all related to the overall boss of the questline, who might well be the Hive Knight that Xyor was betrothed to.
A video featuring the quest actually shows the boss, you can view it below at around 2.38. Some are saying that a new Weapon of Sorrow is going to drop from the boss, but that’s complete conjecture based on the weapon this boss wields.
Let us know what you think in the comments. Will we get The Last Word and a new Weapon of Sorrow? Or will that new weapon be saved for the future?
Image Source: Lasrig – Lasrig kindly posted the image of their The Last Word creation on Reddit, which is where we picked it up. They actually have an Etsy store which is where you can find The Last Word and a number of other physical versions of weapons both from the Destiny universe, and outside of it.