Destiny News
Skull of Dire Ahamkara Needs an Update in Destiny 2
There’s no point in wearing it anymore.

Guardians are kicking off about an Exotic, and it’s not Vex Mythoclast for once. No, instead they’re kicking off about a piece of Exotic Armor that’s been around since the days of Destiny 1, Skull of Dire Ahamkara. This Exotic is an interesting one, and used to be useful. However, in light of the power that other Exotics are providing these days, this one falls by the wayside. In fact, it feels downright useless, which is why it needs an update.
Before diving in, let’s look at the stats on this thing and the only part anyone really cares about, the Intrinsic Perk.
- Mobility – 10
- Resilience – 10
- Recovery – 10
- Discipline – 5
- Intellect – 10
- Strength – 5
Intrinsic Perk: Actual Grandeur – Kills with the Nova Bomb grant Super energy.
The issue that Guardians have found is to do with this Intrinsic Perk. It’s just useless. It doesn’t return anywhere near the level of Super energy that other Exotics with similar perks do, and that makes it pretty damn awful. If you have the choice between this and something else that’s going to pop 50% of your Super energy, you’ll go with that.
The bottom line is that it’s too difficult to kill enough ads with Nova Bomb to make this perk work o your advantage. It’s easier to trigger Subclass perks or literally anything else. You could equip a weapon with the same sort of perk on top of armor, and then you’d be able to achieve double what’s being offered here. It’s just not viable in terms of longevity.
Bungie loves to nerf Exotics left, right, and center, but it’s pretty terrible and giving them the boost they need. That usually happens because of a glitch or something else unintentional. Then, Bungie steps in to take the boost away too. Don’t get me wrong, I love that the developer is so involved, but let’s get some legacy boosts as well as nerfs.
Skull of Dire Ahamkara looks awesome, and it’s a shame that it’s so underpowered. Sure, we have Transmog to make it useable in one sense, but it may as well be an Ornament if there’s not going to be some practical use for it. Come on Bungie, pull this one out of the dirt and make it viable for all activities again.
Let us know how much you love Skull of Dire Ahamkara in the comments.