Destiny News
Season of the Splicer’s Final Iron Banner Starts Today in Destiny 2
Get in there Guardians!

Today, the final Iron Banner event for Season of the Splicer will begin. From today’s reset, you’ll have just one week to do everything you need to do in Iron Banner this season. There are quests to complete, weapons to earn, and Guardians to kill. Make the most of it now, because no one knows what’s coming in the next season of Destiny 2 with this event.
Of course, today’s Iron Banner event is going to kick off with Control. The game mode hasn’t altered for years, and that’s not going to change today. Hopefully, we will see a change in the event as of season 15 though. This month marks the month we get a good look at The Witch Queen for the first time ever. Alongside that, I hope that we get to see some meaningful changes coming to Iron Banner.
Bungie has done okay with Iron Baner. It’s an event in which we all know what we’re getting. It’s a slightly more intense PvP activity, but nowhere near as tough as Trials of Osiris. It’s where we can go to get some nice rewards throughout a season, and maybe even show off our skills if we’re feeling particularly brave.
I’ve always maintained that Iron Banner would work with other game modes. In the past, I have a vague memory of it using Clash, but I don’t know if that’s just some sort of dream. In Destiny 1, when the even was first introduced, it felt like the start of something big. Like Bungie was going to push PvP into a new era, which eventually happened with Trials of Osiris.
Make the most of this week’s Iron Banner Guardians. You’ll be able to finish the quest and pick up all of the rewards you might have been chasing for the entire season. Don’t sit on it and waste your time. This is your last chance to get the rewards on offer. No one knows when they’ll be back. There’s every chance that Bungie will pull Iron Banner into the vault from season 15, meaning we won’t see it for a good long time.
Let us know what you’ll be doing this week in the comments.