Destiny News
Season Of Opulence Detailed
Today Bungie revealed some new details about Destiny 2’s next season, Season of Opulence. We’ve known for a while now that the season is going to bring a new raid, a new activity, and a lot of new content, even how Exotics are being nerfed, but this is the first time so solid details about all of that have been confirmed.

Today Bungie revealed some new details about Destiny 2’s next season, Season of Opulence. We’ve known for a while now that the season is going to bring a new raid, a new activity, and a lot of new content, even how Exotics are being nerfed, but this is the first time so solid details about all of that have been confirmed.
Firstly we have an official roadmap for the season, so let’s have a look at that.

A trailer for the new season has also been released, which you can see below.
A new season brings a lot of new things we should already expect, such as Pinnacle Weapons, Iron Banner gear, and an entirely new live event. What we don’t know about is everything else, which is all very exciting.
Benedict-44 is the new NPC who will be guiding Guardians through the host of new content in Season of Opulence, and they’ve really got a job ahead of them. First he’s going to give you your Imperial Summons, from Calus, introduce you to treasure hunts, as well as the Menagerie.
The Menagerie is the new six-player activity in Season of Opulence, no firm details have been given, but it looks as though this is a new horde mode similar to Prison of Elders. Guardians will be able to use the Chalice to create an offering of Runes, which can be exchanged for specific gear. This gives us the first real opportunity to target the rewards we want and work towards them.
The Imperial Summons quest will grant players Power Surge gear to get them up to Power Level 690. This is to aid us in getting into the rest of Season of Opulence easily, and without getting ruined by enemies.
Any Guardians with the Forsaken Annual Pass will see new bosses get added to the Menagerie over time. This will conclude with the addition of a Heroic version of the activity. While normal difficulty will have matchmaking, Heroic difficulty requires a fireteam.
Over the course of the season Benedict-44 will guide Guardians to new treasures through objectives. These will lead us to Power Level 750 with the reward of brand new gear each time we complete an objective.
Over time we’re going to see new Exotic quests, the Tribute Hall, and a new Moments of Triumph to achieve. Finally Solstice of Heroes will come towards the end of the season to give us all something to celebrate at the end of a very long year. After that who knows what might happen?
Let us know your thoughts on these new details in the comments.
Image Source: Bungie