Destiny News
Niobe Labs Puzzle Solved

Bungie unlocked Bergusia Forge last week they did so because the puzzle previously required to unlock it was deemed too difficult. While Bungie may have decoupled the puzzle from the Forge, they certainly didn’t remove the puzzle from the game. In fact this puzzle would still award an Emblem and Ghost shell for its completion.
Now the Niobe Labs puzzle has been solved. Streamer xGladd and other Guardians CrushTy and Gsxrclyde are the ones reported to have done this first, confirmation of which should come from Bungie this week. The Fireteam used the Raidsecrets Subreddit to help them with tips and theories from the community, all of which had been working on this issue for longer than any Destiny 2 raid has taken to complete.
xGladd thanked the wider community as well as the people in his Twitch chat for solving the puzzle. He said that without them this puzzle would’ve taken even longer to solve, and without places like Raidsecrets to work out and share solutions, this puzzle may never have been completely solved.
What this shows is the power that Destiny 2 has to bring gamers together. There were people working on this puzzle who don’t even play the game, and that’s the kind of dedication that it’s heartwarming to see from fans in the industry.
It turns out that the puzzle was made even more difficult by a mistake. A clue that was meant to be included in the game for the seventh level of Niobe Labs was incorrectly removed. Instead of adding this back in however, Bungie simply released a new clue that helped Guardians finish the puzzle.
This could have something to do with why it was taking so long for the community to solve the Niobe Labs puzzle, but whether it could have been accomplished without the clue will never be known.
The final solution to Level 7 of Niobe’s Torment requires Guardians to use Black Armoury weapons to line up the following shots, but use different weapons that aren’t part of this family on order to actually make them.
- Stand on the Hand symbol and shoot + U L F B E R H + T with a Solar weapon
- Stand on the Butterfly symbol and shoot Trees then Missive, move to Morning and shoot Heart, Heart, Trees then Wings
- Stand on Tiger and shoot Fish, Lotus, and Temple, then move to Dragon and shoot Arch, Rabbit, Bamboo, and Temple with a Void weapon
We’ve already compiled a list of the earlier six steps here so head over there and combine the two if you want to complete this puzzle.
Outside of having the Emblem and Ghost there’s no point to completing the puzzle now. However, as a collector I do have to say that it would be nice to have them. Let us know what you think in the comments.
Image Source: GameRant