Destiny News
Newly Discovered Images Shine Light On Destiny 2’s End Of Season Event
Is that, a healed Traveler?

Over the weekend, a bunch of images were discovered, and all of them show something very interesting for the future of Destiny 2. Right now we’ve got some speculation around the end of season event for Season of Arrivals. This stuff though, this shows something entirely different. It’s a brand new world in the Destiny 2 universe, one that most of us will welcome, but I’ not sure what it means for the future.
As reported by GameRant, these images surfaced on the Destiny 2 Subreddit. They were uncovered then a user viewed the HTML code for the PlayStation Store. Inside that code, there were two new images. They both show a fully healed Traveler, and actually appear to be at the original Tower location.

This image just about shows you the Fireteam looking up at that now healed Traveler. Right now, the Traveler is wrecked in Destiny 2. It was shattered at the end of the Red War, so this indicates that it will heal towards the end of the season. The second image is very much the same, it just has the Destiny 2 logo above the image.
The biggest thing to come out of this image is speculation around what it means for the Tower. A couple of Vendors that currently take up a lot of space in the Tower are having their content Vaulted with Beyond Light. That means they’re going to be gone as well. This would then make their areas in the Tower obsolete, so they should be closed off.
The only caveat here is the Drifter, but he looks like he’s heading to Europa to hang out looking sketchy there. This means that a lot of the Tower could be closed off and we may in fact return to that original Tower.
It would be nice if Bungie gave us the option of both Tower locations, and removed the Farm. It’s been so long now that we don’t need that initial base in Destiny 2, but it is essential for the story. Maybe it could be cycled out of the Destination map when Guardians complete the base game’s story.
With a healed Traveler in the sky, we can only assume that somehow the machine has rebuilt itself. I think this might be what Guardians log on to watch for the end of season event. It won’t be exciting, but it’ll be something nice to get together and see with others.
We still don’t really know what Destiny 2 will look like after November 10. Hopefully we can a better idea closer to the time. Let us know your theories in the comments.