Destiny News
It’s Time To Take Another Look At Queenbreaker
Move over Whisper of the Worm, Queenbreaker is where it’s at.

Over the weekend one Guardian ran the numbers on the Exotics in Destiny 2. During this process, they found that there’s actually a fantastic alternative to Whisper of the Worm, an Exotic that many Guardians may not actually have right now, and it’s Queenbreaker.
GameRant reported on this over the weekend. While they didn’t go into details about exactly who did this research, they did cover everything about it. The whole thing started because most Guardians opt for Whisper of the Worm, an admittedly fantastic Sniper Rifle. However, this Guardian wanted to know what the actual best option was for Exotic weapons when it comes to the Destiny 2 meta.
Whilst Queenbreaker will obviously never replace something like Falling Guillotine, it is a great option for those who prefer a Sniper Rifle. The weapon has two scopes, and can be used in two different modes when you get into it. This makes it highly versatile, but also incredibly powerful and deadly at all ranges.
Queenbreaker was first introduced in Forsaken, and yet it’s nearly on equal terms with Whisper of the Worm. This is no doubt due to the various updates that Bungie has made to weapons across the game over the past few years.
It won’t always be the case that Queenbreaker is better than Whisper of the Worm, but even in instances where it’s not the best, it’s a viable alternative that’s still very powerful.
For example, while fighting Calus, Guardians need to move between DPS phases. This can cost you valuable time, and can even see you missing shots, which drops the DPS of Whisper of the Worm pretty dramatically. With Queenbreaker though, you’re more likely to hit, and therefore deal more damage over the course of the fight.
you can apply this logic to many fights throughout Destiny 2, and soon you’ll see that Queenbreaker might actually be the weapon that you need to be using.
Of course, the data relies on Guardians landing perfect precision shots every time, which simply isn’t the case with anyone. However, if you’re consistently good at landing precision hits, then maybe you need to be giving Queenbreaker a go.
Let us know what you think of Queenbreaker in the comments.
November 10, 2020 at 10:56 am
I know exactly who did the numbers on queenbreaker.