Destiny News
Dungeons & Destiny Has Finally Reached Version 1.0
Like Destiny? Like Dungeons & Dragons? You see where I’m going with this…

I’ve been tracking Dungeons & Destiny for a while now, and I’m extremely pleased to report that the re0imagined version of Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition has finally reached a full release. Last week the game launched as version 1.0, and you can access all of the content for it at absolutely no cost. The best bit? Bungie is totally on board with this project.
What Is Dungeons & Destiny?
The simple explanation for Dungeons and Destiny is that it’s a Destiny version of Dungeons & Dragons. The game has been reworked to fit within a new player’s guidebook, allowing a group of Guardians to get together and play a new kind of game within the Destiny universe.
The original nine subclasses have been incorporated into this rework, so any fans of Destiny 1 will feel right at home. Stasis is planned for a future version of Dungeons & Destiny, but right now it’s just not part of the game as it is.
Each race has also been worked into the game. That means that you can completely recreate your favourite Guardian from Destiny 2, and bring them into this much more visceral game. There are more variations and abilities to explore within the guidebook, making for a much more custom game.
A total of 14 weapons have been worked into the game. This includes bows and melee weapons, and they can all be completely customised so that they feel like a weapon that suits your Guardian. Of course, they’ll be completely unique as well.
There are new mechanics in this game too though. These include Light abilities, Ghost resurrections, Light and Darkness zones, and so much more. This all helps the Game Master to create a campaign that Guardians will find engaging on an entirely new level.
All of the resources you need to play a game of Dungeons & Destiny are here. This is free, and includes all the guidebooks you need. You can create a character using standard 5th edition character sheets, or online resources such as Roll 20.
I’d recommend visiting the official Subreddit if you’re looking to join a game or want to get some tips and guides on how to play. If you’ve ever played a game of Dungeons & Dragons, or have watched one, you probably know what to do.
Let us know what you think of this incredible leap that the Destiny community has made in the comments.
Image Source: GamesRadar
December 7, 2020 at 9:30 pm
Where do you access the game?