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Destiny: Xur’s Inventory for March 17th and 18th


Who is Xur?

Xur Agent Of The Nine, works for the mysterious group, The Nine. While Guardians have never seen The Nine, it is said that their influence is vast. Xur, the moss-tentacle-faced vendor visits social spaces once a week, bringing with him a variety of exotic items, which Guardians can purchase with Strange Coins.

Xur’s Location

This week Xur is even more excited about Age of Triumph than we are! He’s heading to the Hall of the Vanguard to celebrate by himself in a dark corner, so hit the Tower, go down the main stairs that are straight in front of you from spawn, and enter that hall. If you go up on the balcony to the right you’ll see Xur hiding out doing a weird tentacle dance that looks oddly like his face the rest of the time too.

Xur’s Inventory

Exotic Weapon: Telesto (Exotic Fusion Rifle) 17 Strange Coins

Telesto is one of the latest Exotics to be added to the game, and the fact that it sits in your Special slot means you can still use that amazing Legendary Hand Cannon. The exotic perks on this weapon begin with Harbinger’s Spark, making multikils drop orbs to charge your super energy. Next up is Unplanned Reprieve, which means your fusion projectiles attach to enemies and explode with a delay. This last perk is incredible because you can attach a full clip to a foe and watch them explode in a cloud of Void, killing them instantly.

Keep an eye out for a more detailed analysis of the weapon this weekend.

Exotic Helmet: The Glasshouse (Titan class) 13 Strange Coins

Apart from looking not only fragile, but also a total badass, this helmet turns you into a destructive machine. The exotic perk, Bathed in Light, makes Blessing of Light and Weapons of Light last longer. This is great for you and your team, and is perfect for PVP, particularly Trials of Osiris when a Super can make a massive difference to a losing team.

Exotic Helmet: The Ram (Warlock Class) 13 Strange Coins

An iconic piece of armour that you need to own, yes everyone! The exotic perk, Strength of the Ram, triggers Life Steal on Voidwalker melee attacks, and increases armour. This helmet looks awesome, and if I haven’t stressed enough how much you need it, you really need to buy it.

Exotic Gauntlets: Shinobu’s vow (Hunter Class) 13 Strange Coins

While not the best exotic Gauntlets out there, these are pretty good for a Hunter looking for something new. The exotic perk, New Tricks, improves Skip Grenades and grants an additional grenade charge. These grenades split and skip at the pace of the throw, so having more than one is only going to help you kill more foes in both PVP and PVE. An improvement to these grenades will help you smash those cheeky targets who think they can dodge the oncoming scene of death.

Legacy Engram: (Exotic Body Armour) 29 Strange Coins – The Legacy Engram will decode for a Year 1 or 2 piece of armour to complete your collection. Some of these items can be infused to Year 3 Light Level.

Three Of Coins (Consumable) 7 Strange Coins

Plasma Drive (Consumable) 23 Strange Coins

Emerald Coil (Consumable) 23 Strange Coins

Heavy Ammo Sythesis Consumable) 3 Strange Coins

Glass Needles (Consumable) 3 Strange Coins, 3 Motes Of Light, and 1 Exotic Shard

Our Take

Since the reveal of the Age of Triumph Record Book there’s a reason to buy every exotic, so building up your collection is imperative here if there’s something you don’t own. With that said, if you don’t own any of it, Telesto is a great place to start. We’ll put an in-depth look at the weapon out over the weekend but put simply it is a pleasure to use and very helpful in PVE and PVP. The ability to use what is effectively a Needler from the Halo series in Destiny has never been a bad thing, and since it’s release the Telesto has been used consistently throughout events in Destiny.

I'm an avid Destiny 2 fan and player. I fell in love with Destiny 1 during the early alpha and have been hooked by the universe ever since. I really enjoy playing with other Guardians, speculating about the lore, and writing about as much of the Destiny universe as I can.

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