Destiny News
Destiny Grimoire Anthology Vol. 2: Fallen Kingdoms Launches This October
Bungie have announced the sequel to the incredible book project that was inspired by fan work on the original Grimoire card entries from Destiny 1. Destiny Grimoire Anthology Vol. 2: Fallen Kingdoms will launch this October, and packs in even more Grimoire card entries and their associates artwork.

Bungie have announced the sequel to the incredible book project that was inspired by fan work on the original Grimoire card entries from Destiny 1. Destiny Grimoire Anthology Vol. 2: Fallen Kingdoms will launch this October, and packs in even more Grimoire card entries and their associates artwork.
The new Grimoire Anthology was announced yesterday by Bungie, and will be available to pre-order from the 2nd of July 2019. While they haven’t given an exact release date for the book, they have confirmed that it will be sent out at some point in October 2019, so there really isn’t that long to wait.
The original book is a beautiful collection of Grimoire cards and their associated lore, and something I purchased because I’ve been playing since the Destiny 1 Early Alpha days. I’m sure there will be plenty of Guardians who want to get their hands on this second volume, and I really don’t blame any of you for it, the last one was exquisite.
However, if you’re considering pre-ordering the book, and love your fancy emotes, the hold off doing so until you’ve bought the following as well. Bungie is launching a new emote alongside the pre-orders for the second volume of the Grimoire anthology called Consult the Archives, check it out below.
They’ve made this emote for all the lore lovers, and I’m hesitant to admit that I’m included in that lot. Eververse is going to start selling the items soon, and with Bungie Rewards you can get a 20% discount on the Grimoire anthology lore book. The offer only lasts from the 2nd of July until the 9th of July, so you need to be quick about it if you want the discount. Head over to the rewards section of the Bungie site to sign up here:
I really enjoyed the first Grimoire anthology, and I can’t wait to get my hands on the second one. I’m definitely going to be buying that emote as well, thought I don’t know how many others are going to be up for that.
What did you Guardians think of the first Grimoire anthology? Will you be purchasing this second one and the emote? Let us know all this and your thoughts about Destiny 2 in general in the comments.
Image Source: Bungie