Guardian Games are coming up fast. They’re also the subject of a rather large break in content for Destiny 2 Season of the Chosen, but we’re not discussing that here. Instead, I wanted to look at some of the leaks that have been found for the 2021 version of this event so far. Let’s see what we might be doing.
Class Dedication
This, and many other leaks, were reported by Forbes. It’s exactly what you think it is. You’ll have to dedicate yourself to a single class for the entire event. This will give all Guardians way more of a stake in the winning or losing of that class for the event. You could play the game last year and benefit regardless of which class one. This year, you could walk away with very little.
Strikes for Points
This leak is a bit odd. It suggests that the main source of points for Guardian Games will come from a new Strike playlist. When jumping into the Strike, you’ll be matched up with only other Guardians of the same class. This will make it very difficult to take on certain Strikes, but should mix up the formula enough that it’ll be an interesting gimmick for the time it lasts.
Placement Bonuses
This sort of links in with the Strike playlist. Guardians will get a bonus based on where their class is currently ranked.
When a class is in bronze, melee and grenade abilities will deal additional damage and recharge faster. Any elemental attacks of Guardian origin are also more powerful.
A class in silver benefits from all of the same, but there’s more Power ammo available too.
Finally, in gold, health, shields, and recovery are all boosted in a Guardian. Kinetic weapons will also deal more damage than normal.
Heir Apparent Returns
Heir Apparent is returning, and it’s getting a Catalyst. The weapon is coming back because it apparently has lore and is named after Caiatl. This was our first introduction to her apparently, but many of us missed that. The Catalyst partially reloads your magazine if your Arc Shield is destroyed, and will increase its durability.
That’s really it. If you’ve heard some new ones, let us know what they are in the comments. Hopefully, we get some more information from Bungie soon.