Destiny News
Destiny 2 Empyrean Foundation Is The Season Of Dawn Endgame
Bungie has outlined the endgame for Season of Dawn, and it’s an event that requires Guardians to donate as much Polarized Fractaline as possible. The event is called the Empyrean Foundation, and it’s setting things up for the next season, so there’s sure to be some spicy lore within it as well.

Bungie has outlined the endgame for Season of Dawn, and it’s an event that requires Guardians to donate as much Polarized Fractaline as possible. The event is called the Empyrean Foundation, and it’s setting things up for the next season, so there’s sure to be some spicy lore within it as well.
What Is The Empyrean Foundation?
To kick Empyrean Foundation off we’re going to be asked to speak to Saint-14. He’s asking all Guardians to contribute to building a beacon, which is the part that forms the basis for the next season. The focal point of the even is the Obelisk in the Tower, which has been fairly useless until now. It’s important to have the Obelisk unlocked, so get that done before next week because it’ll be hugely important.
Guardians are working towards a common goal here, making this more of a community challenge than anything in Destiny 2. Taking part is fairly simple, you just donate your Polarized Fractaline to the Tower Obelisk, though of course it’s a bit more complex than that. There are seven goals that the community needs to hit, with each one being named as a stage by Bungie. There will be a hologram that shows how well the community is doing in terms of progression at the Tower Obelisk, so that should shoot up straight away.
Donating to the Empyrean Foundation costs 100 Polarized Fractaline at a time. Every contribution will progress a flat 25 percent across all Timelost Weapon Bounties that a Guardian has on them. The Tower Obelisk will generate Polarized Fractaline each week equivalent to its Resonance Power, so it really pays to push that up as much as possible now.
Any Guardians who donate more than 5,000 Polarized Fractaline before the end of Season of Dawn will get a sweet Emblem to commemorate their efforts. The Emblem comes with a Triumph, so that’s quite cool too. Check out the Emblem below.

While not everyone will get this Emblem, we will all get a unique Shader when all seven stages of the event have been completed. So far the stages look like the following.
- Stage 1 – 400,000,000
- Stage 2 – 700,000,000
- Stage 3 – 1,200,000,000
- Stage 4 – ???
- Stage 5 – ???
- Stage 6 – ???
- Stage 7 – ???
Anyone can contribute to the event, owning the season pass is not a requirement. Let us know what you think of Empyrean Foundation in the comments.