Destiny News
Destiny 2 Development Roadmap Update – Warmind

Bungie have updated the development roadmap for Destiny 2, and with it they’re revealed a bunch of new stuff coming in the future, some of it not so distant either.
The biggest news is what’s hitting with the start of destiny 2 Season 3 on the 8th of May, Warmind! This will be the second expansion to Destiny 2, so not Gods of Mars as all the previously leaked material has hinted at, obviously that was a working title and not nearly snappy enough for Bungie. While no firm details have been revealed I think we know what’s coming, new activities, new areas to explore, new secrets, and hopefully a new Raid Lair. What we do have is a really sweet piece of art for the expansion which you can feast your eyes upon below.
Looks pretty cool right? There will be a reveal livestream for the new expansion on the 24th of April, so set a reminder in your calendars and make sure you’re free to catch all of the detail coming at us from Bungie HQ.
Of course this isn’t the only news to come from the development roadmap update, Bungie now has a plan for the future in Season 4, as well as for some changes that may or may not hit us in Season 3. There is a plan for Raid Prestige changes, including Raid Lairs, but this will be detailed in a later update since the team are still figuring out when stuff is going to launch.
As part of Season 3 there is a new plan for how Crucible content is being delivered. Obviously a whole host of new Crucible maps will be hitting with Warmind, and there will be a Warmind specific playlist as there is for Curse of Osiris. Private matches will also become a thing, which means mining those maps for secrets and hidden weapons and armour, but you’ll need to own the DLC to actually access them.
New content is planned to be rolled out over the course of Season 3, which means all the live events will have new stuff, hopefully, but also that we’ll get some new features every month or so until Season 4 arrives. Let us know what you think in the comments.
Image Source: Bungie