Destiny News
Bungie’s New HQ Is Going To Help Destiny 2 Development
Things are only going to get better from here.

Yesterday, Bungie announced a bunch of plans for expansion over the next four years or so. This was a pretty uncommon move for the developer. In fact, since Destiny 1 came out, the only time the developer has announced anything that’s coming out anything later than the next year was last year with Beyond Light’s announcement.
So the bulk of the news that they announced was around the new HQ that’s being constructed in Bellevue, Washington. The space is being expanded from 84,000 square feet to 204,000 square feet, which is more than doubling the space.
Bungie outlined that the reason for this is to allow multiple project teams to work in the same building. They added that this will mean that more games than just the Destiny universe are being worked on.
On the flip side of this, the space is set up so that staff can work in the office, from home, or a bit of both. Effectively, the office can be filled and people could still be working from home as well, which would put the number of developers working at a ridiculous number.
I believe that this can only be a good thing for Destiny 2. The first reason for this is that it allows people to work where they’re happiest. Through the pandemic, some people have realised that they love working from home, and others definitely don’t. Now it’s possible for those people to work where they’re happy, and that will make for better output from them.
The second thing that might get overlooked here is the way that creative people need other creative people to bounce off. With an entirely new team working on a new IP, there are going to be drastically different ideas floating around in this office.
I’ve been speaking to my creative friends, and they say that this is exactly what they crave in their work. Lockdown has been hell for them because they can’t bounce off anyone. I think that the mixing of ideas and new people will benefit Destiny 2 in a way we won’t see until 2025 or so. That’s when we’ll be getting a new game from Bungie, maybe even Destiny 3, but certainly another as of yet unannounced expansion for Destiny 2.
Let us know if you think the office is a good thing in the comments.