Destiny News
BSK Change Is Working With Bungie
Bungie has quietly acquired one of the top PVP Guardians in the world. BSK Change is said to be working with the developer of Destiny 2 for the next six months at least, in their own words, but the exact details of what they’re working on have not been revealed.

Bungie has quietly acquired one of the top PVP Guardians in the world. BSK Change is said to be working with the developer of Destiny 2 for the next six months at least, in their own words, but the exact details of what they’re working on have not been revealed.
Recently a post cropped up on the Destiny 2 Subreddit stating that BSK Change is now working with Bungie. The post links to an image, which you can see below, from their Discord that shows BSK Change updating everyone on where they will be working and vaguely what they will be working on.

In the message BSK Change states that they will be working with Bungie from next week for a minimum of six months. This is most likely a probation period, which will lead to a full-time role should BSK Change want it, and they manage to please Bungie in this time. They end their message by saying they won’t be able to keep up with Twitch as much, but will maintain a presence in various chats, ending with the words, “we’re listening”.
These final words seem to hint that BSK Change is going to be feeding back to Bungie as a representative of the Destiny 2 community. As a Guardian who is widely regarded as the top PVP player in the game, it seems more than likely that their role will focus around the Crucible, with a possible extension into Gambit.
The community in Destiny 2 is more important now than it has ever been. With Bungie splitting from Activision they need Guardians to work with them in order to improve the game and keep it alive. Streamer Gladd and his mate Chevvy only this week created their own 2 man marathon challenge. this type of behaviour is what bungie need to keep Destiny 2 alive, but they also need to be listening to the key players in the game.
The Crucible is the heart of PVP in Destiny 2. But PVP has become a joke recently in the game, something for Guardians to avoid. This hasn’t been fun to watch, and even less fun to experience. A couple of weapons allow some Guardians to dominate, stopping the more casual Guardians from getting anywhere, and generally making everyone feel a bit crap.
Someone like BSK Change, who spends more time in PVP than anything else, can definitely help Bungie improve the Crucible. Over the next six months I expect we will see some massive shifts that will, hopefully, make the Crucible more inviting and a better place to play Destiny 2.
I remember in Destiny 1 that I used to play PVP every day. Bungie were very good at balancing weapons and keeping the community on their toes, never leaving one weapon as the top dog for too long. With Pinnacle weapons and other systems now in place there’s a reward for the most dedicated Guardians, but that rewards shouldn’t come at the cost of fun for all the Guardians they play against.
It’s time for a big change in the Crucible, and we believe that BSK Change is the Guardian for the job. Let us know what you think in the comments.
Image Source: GameRant