Destiny News
Black Armoury Details Leak

The Black Armoury is the first expansion that’s part of the Annual Pass for Destiny 2 in a post-Forsaken universe. The expansion is due for release in December 2018, but some details have already ‘leaked’ online, and we’ve found the sources over on Polygon.
The leak comes from the Destiny Subreddit and has been taken down from several other places already. Luckily we have an image that details a lot of what was contained in the leaks, which I’ll add below.
As far as the story of the Black Armoury goes we’re being introduced to a new character, Gaunt. Gaunt is an Exo who maintains the Black Armoury, and during the story of this expansion we’ll be uncovering the location of this place, as well as the secrets that Gaunt has been keeping for all these years.
I really like the sound of this expansion because it hints at a mad Exo who has been left to their own devices for so long that they’ve completely lost their mind. I’m expecting something sinister to hit us right at the end, leading to us having to kill Gaunt as the final boss.
According to the leak the Vex are somehow involved with the Black Armoury, and it’s based on Earth. This could mean that the Vex somehow sealed the location within the planet, leading to it being locked away, along with Gaunt, for millennia.
The leaks state that not only are Heavy Machine Guns returning to Destiny 2 with this expansion, but so too are the Exotics; Thunderlord, The Last Word, and Ice Breaker. All three of these were notorious and superb in Destiny 1, and I’m ecstatic to see their return, if this information is true.
A new activity is being added called Forge of the Chain. This activity is set on Earth, using Vex and Cabal enemies. Similar to Blind Well and Escalation Protocol, the activity will have it’s own loot pool and potentially some Exotics.
One part of this leak states that there is a new Black weapon type, but nothing more. This is most likely a set of exclusive weapons which are from the Black Armoury. If this location does have something to do with the Vex and is mixed up in time travel we might be getting weapons from alternate timelines with completely unique perks. I’m going to go ahead and say that if they’re black then they’re from the future in which the Vex have destroyed the Sun.
Leading on from this, there are indeed new Exotics from the Black Armoury to obtain. These Exotics are unlocked one by one through quests. I imagine this will be similar to how you unlocked weapons in the Lighthouse in the Curse of Osiris, only the end result will hopefully be a lot more exciting.
Finally, there’s going to be a new Raid Lair set on Titan. This Raid will focus on the Hive, and a powerful threat underneath the planet’s oceans. I think it’s safe to assume that this is the massive sea monster that’s seen by Guardians when they land on Titan, at long last! Many speculate that this is a God Worm, much like Xol, which Oryx dumped on Titan when he arrived in the system. It’s clearly grown, or was just huge to begin with, but how powerful is it?
That’s all for the leaked information. It seems plausible for the most part, but we don’t know what Bungie will change between now and the release. Let us know what you think in the comments.
Image Source: GameRant