Destiny News
Are You Surprised That You Need to Pay for Dungeons With Destiny 2 The Witch Queen?
The pattern hasn’t altered that much.

This week there has been a lot of confusion and anger over the Dungeon situation with Destiny 2 The Witch Queen. to clarify, you need to purchase the Deluxe Edition of The Witch Queen to access the two Dungeons that will release with it. If you purchase the standard version, you’ll need to buy them separately. However, this is simply an evolution of what Bungie has done with pricing in the past, and I don’t think there’s any reason we should all be so shocked about this.
First, the Deluxe Edition of The Witch Queen is designed to be a package for those who want to buy the expansion and no Season Passes. The Deluxe Edition includes four Season Passes for the four seasons coming in 2022 after The Witch Queen launches, pulse those two aforementioned Dungeons. Bungie has taken the data on Guardians, compiled it, and come up with a fair solution in its products that meet the needs of Guardians.
I love a Season Pass, but I’ve never reached level 100. I’d be happier to get the expansion on its own because I also never play Dungeons. The data must show Bungie that those Guardians who play Dungeons and consistently max out Season Passes are the same, so it makes sense to combine a package with four Season Passes and the Dungeons in one.
I don’t understand why Guardians would be disappointed about missing out on Dungeons that will come at a later date when they probably wouldn’t play through them. I know this is controversial, but Bungie has never promised that the Dungeons are part of the expansion. They’re clearly designed as extras, and will likely land with two separate seasons.
If we’re all brutally honest, the data must line up with reality. I know that I’d prefer the base expansion without the additional cost for content I won’t make the most of. I also know that the Guardians who want that extra content will be happy to pay for it, and they should. Bungie is a game developer and needs money to keep Destiny 2 alive. If we all complain about everything that we’re charged for, the game will end pretty quickly as Bungie moves onto something more profitable.
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