Destiny News
Destiny 2: Are You Ready For Ghost Fashion?
Ghosts are going to be completely different in Beyond Light. Are you ready?

It’s happening! Bungie has finally announced that Ghosts are going to be part of the Armour 2.0 system we’ve been using for ages now. As of Beyond Light’s launch, we’ll be able to fully customise our Ghost’s perks without relying on the Ghost Shell, and it’s going to be great.
When Beyond Light launches on November 10, Ghosts are going to work a bit differently to how they do now. Bungie spoke about this in their recent This Week At Bungie article, and honestly, it’s got me excited for my Little Light again.
Up until now, Ghosts have just been an additional way to add perks to your Guardian. While they do look great in certain Shells, it’s always the perks you go for. So in a way, it’s never mattered how they look anyway.
With Beyond Light, you can chop and change your Ghost’s Shell as many times as you want. It’s just a cosmetic because the perks have been revamped.
Now, perks will be mods, and your Ghost will have a number of energy levels that you can use to equip those mods. You can think of them being similar to the Seasonal Artifact. You level your Ghost up so that you can equip more perks to it. The more energy it has available, the more mods you can equip, and the better those mods can be.
Interestingly, it doesn’t look like Ghost Mods are going to be seasonal, they’re forever. You pick them up from the various activities you’ll be taking part in throughout your time in Destiny 2. They’ll be just another source of resources after a certain point because you’ll be dismantling all the ones you don’t want to use, or have already.
There are three slots on your Ghost by default. However, you can unlock a fourth one by Masterworking it, which will be something that I think most Guardians are going to be pushing to do. Having a Masterworked Ghost is a serious advantage now, and it’s going to make all the difference in PVP. Just watch this space.
Let us know what you think of the new Ghost system in the comments.
Image Source: Bungie