Destiny News
Are The Pyramids Building A Dark Traveler?
The Pyramids appear to be building a dark Traveler, which is a singularly bad thing to be happening.

Over the weekend Forbes pointed out something extremely interesting, and deadly, that’s going on in Destiny 2 right now. It has something to do with the Pyramids, the Traveler, maybe even Eris Morn, and definitely Ruinous Effigy.
This all goes back to a lore tab on Ruin Wings in Destiny 1, which reads “In the Garden grows a tree of silver wings. The leaves are ruin, the bark disaster. Of the seeds we do not speak”. Now there’s an actual silver tree in Destiny 2, and it seems to resemble what is being discussed here.

This is what the tree looked like at the start of Season of Arrivals. This is in the Interference mission, and you can find Eris Morn chilling out below it. However, this tree has been growing over the course of the season, and it looks very different now.

As you can see, the tree is building something, and Forbes believe that it could be a dark version of the Traveler. Part of the reason for this is the lore on Ruinous Effigy. This lore speaks about how the weapon sucks out our Light and uses it as power to turn enemies into Void balls. Though it doesn’t suck enough Light out for us to feel it.
There’s also the fact that Xur mentions a dark mirror of the Traveler in Destiny 1. This is odd, because you’d assume that the Pyramids were the dark mirrors, but maybe not.
What I think is really interesting is that Forbes say that there are a seemingly infinite number of these pyramids, but only one Traveler. Maybe the Pyramids travel where the Light is, fool those who wield it into supplying them with enough to form their own darker version of the Traveler, and then murder everyone when they’re finished.
There is some other lore that needs to work itself out with this, and the Black Garden wouldn’t really work if the Pyramids had made the Traveler as a dark object. It’s possible that the Traveler managed to expel its darkness and became Light as a result, maybe even creating that element or power as a result of sheer will.
It would be quite the tale to follow if the Traveler had been used for the Pyramid’s dark will for eons, only to then break away. It would make sense that the object then fled everywhere it touched, because each time it was found it didn’t want to fall back into the hands of the Pyramids.
In a way, the Traveler could once have been a slave. Now it can no longer run, but it does have us to defend it.
Let us know what you think of all of this in the comments.
Vicki love
July 21, 2020 at 12:07 pm
I have always believed, since D1, that there was a dark Traveler and that our Traveler had battled it in some way. You never mention the Drifter. Don’t like him and never have. Dredgen, not for me. Anyway… the light of the Traveler was sought by Gaul and so many others, not as a weapon but more like a being of good or a god of enlightenment. Even the Hive worship anything that has power like the Traveler. Its interesting where the writers may take this story… but my faith in their story-telling has waned over the years. I shall carry my hope as Eris does, cautiously.