Destiny News
A Reminder of the Best Prank Bungie Has Ever Pulled in Destiny 1 or Destiny 2
We are all the fools.

Bungie has been pretty good at April Fool’s Day jokes in the past. This year though, it seemed to pass them by. I didn’t catch anything of note on the day and haven’t come across anything since. In fact, the Bungie Help Twitter account posted an update report on the day. If that was s joke, it was a terrible one. I even read the patch notes to be sure. Nothing. So with that being the case, I wanted to remind all Guardians of the best prank Bungie has ever pulled in this universe.
I was reminded of this awful dad joke by Reddit user Faust_8. It was way back in the dark early days of Destiny 1. At a time when you could purchase Vanguard weapons, Crucible weapons, and Faction weapons in the Tower. to be honest, I’d welcome the return of the factions anytime.
Each time a new expansion hit the game, these vendors were updated. New weapons were added to the rotation, and it was a chance for Guardians to pick up a bunch of new stuff. My priority was always grabbing the latest Dead Orbit gear before any other Guardians could show it off without me.
This joke began with a weapon called The Devil You Know. It was great. It actually became a bit of a meme weapon. The version that was great was actually a random drop, since the rolls were better, but you could still buy it. As a result, every Guardian knew this weapon’s name.
Then, after a new expansion hit, a new weapon called The Devil You Don’t was added to the loot pool. As you can imagine, it was awful. This was so far from being a good weapon that it faded into the background. No one wanted to talk about it. It was like an ugly piece of art that’s surprisingly bright and takes up an entire wall of a room that you’re in with your friend.
This was all done so that Guardians would remark that The Devil You Know is better than The Devil You Don’t in a true Destiny context. There must be a lot of dads working at Bungie because this is up there with the top ten best dad jokes I’ve ever heard of.