Stasis Is Killing Destiny 2’s PvP
PvP Guardians are crying out for something to change now that Stasis has made the Crucible worse.

Beyond Light is an incredible expansion. It’s brought so much to the Destiny universe, and if you look back at the general formula for expansions, it’s right on track with where we were just before the end of Destiny 1. It’s not as big as Forsaken, but it’s still an extremely good expansion with meaningful content additions. However, there is one glaring exception to this, and that’s PvP. This is an area of Destiny 2 that Bungie has been ignoring for a while, and it’s about to hit a breaking point.
Stasis Is Killing The Enjoyment Of PvP
Stasis is of course one of the biggest new additions that came with Beyond Light. It’s a brand new element and Subclass, adding quite a lot of content to Destiny 2. While it’s a bit of a grind to unlock everything that’s on offer, it’s worth it if you want to make the most of these cool new powers.
However, it’s this new element that’s also killing a big part of the game, PvP. Guardians have been desperate for new Crucible content for a while now, and Bungie is aware of it but has done nothing about it. Sure, Trials has seen some attention, but ultimately nothing has really changed for PvP in more than a year now. Unless you count the removal of a few maps.
Stasis completely kills the Crucible. I’ve given up on trying to play there because I’ve decided I’m just not good enough to compete with the Stasis pros. There are Guardians who just understand how these new powers work in PvP, and it’s too difficult, as a Guardian who prefers Gambit, to figure out how to combat it.
I can totally understand why new Guardians would come along and think that PvP was unfair. It’s full of the top 1 percent of Guardian pros spamming their Stasis abilities and racking up all the kills.
When you’re frozen in place for 50 percent of the match, Crucible really does get quite dull.
In all honesty, I don’t think that we can fairly say that Bungie is going to fix this. They’ve been aware of the issues with PvP for too long, and it looks like they’ve completely abandoned it. They might be planning a revamp, but in the meantime, they can’t simply take the PvP content out of circulation as they do with other Vaulted elements. They have to leave it in for the Guardians who enjoy logging in to shoot each other.
It’s a predicament that I think should have been addressed in 2020. Here we are though, a PvP focused side of the community who are getting to the point that they want to leave the game. Bungie needs to fix this with a Crucible season, or they’ll lose a lot more Guardians as a result.
Let us know what you think in the comments.
January 14, 2021 at 3:19 pm
Crucible sucks. I have been complaining about it since the 2nd week of BL. Not enjoyable as you get hit with one after the other Hunter stasis grenade then super then grenade again. And the tornado thing is broken x100. Its stay time is longer than even the arc staff and people hate that too. If you play a warlock you might as well give all your stats over the hunters in the game. Bungie sucks because they don’t care about those of us spending our money on a broken game. They care about the streamers and the 1% but the rest of us are the reason they still have paychecks. I’m very tempted to go back to other games while I await Mass Effect.