Save Your Polarized Fractaline For The End Of Season Of Dawn

The end of Season of Dawn is a good way off, but Guardians are already considering what community event Bungie has planned to round it off, like how we all had to kill hundreds of thousands of Undying Minds for the end of Season of the Undying.
Right now, according to GameRant, it’s thought that Polarized Fractaline will be the key for this event. Right now this item is used to upgrade the Obelisks found throughout the system, upgrading them. There’s even a Triumph for spending 5,000 of the stuff, which is all too telling if you ask some Guardians.
In February 2020 we’re going to see the Season of Dawn version of Vex Offensive: Final Assault, Empyrean Foundation. The event will provide some sort of new spin on the Season of Dawn activity, Sundial, which probably relates to the final boss that we’ve yet to encounter. Hopefully Empyrean Foundation will be a bit better than Final Assault was, but only time will tell what it actually consists of.
The reason that Polarized Fractaline comes into play is because it’s this new currency for the current season that’s all Guardians can think of right now. Upgrading Obelisks only serves to boost a Guardian’s performance in Season of Dawn, and that’s why we’re all obsessed with collecting it and spending it as much as possible to see how far we can push the mechanic.
This currency will either need to be collected or spent as part of the end of season community event. If it needs to be collected then it’ll be an event the community really has to grind hard for. This currency isn’t so freely available that you can earn thousands of it from a couple of runs, it takes a long time to pick up enough to spend on anything. With that said, if spending this currency is what the community challenge requires then there’s a chance that the number will be low.
With another end of season community challenge we’ll probably also see a huge boost to Guardian numbers for the week or so that the event is live. I’m quite excited to get involved and see if Bungie has learned from last season, but we’ll just have to wait to find out what’s in store.
Image Source: ShackNews
Joaquin D. Arcino
January 2, 2020 at 5:14 am
Unless you’re going for Savior, that is…