More Than One Million Guardians Are Playing Destiny 2 Every Day
With every new season, and DLC drop, Destiny 2 sees a boost in Guardians playing. This has always been the case, but it ebbs and flows depending on how good the content drop or season is. Usually the year’s biggest content drop, which will be Shadowkeep in 2019, is the one that boosts the player base by the most. However, with Season of Opulence we’re actually seeing a huge player boost just from seasonal content, which is pretty unprecedented for Destiny 2.

With every new season, and DLC drop, Destiny 2 sees a boost in Guardians playing. This has always been the case, but it ebbs and flows depending on how good the content drop or season is. Usually the year’s biggest content drop, which will be Shadowkeep in 2019, is the one that boosts the player base by the most. However, with Season of Opulence we’re actually seeing a huge player boost just from seasonal content, which is pretty unprecedented for Destiny 2.
If you’re not aware, seasons are the new regular content drops for Destiny 2. Whereas we used to be given smaller DLCs throughout the year, with a big expansion in September, we’re not getting seasons throughout the year as well as a giant expansion in September. Seasons dole out content on a weekly basis, and are basically a copy of what Epic do with seasons in Fortnite, but there’s definitely an advantage to the content you can get from seasons. For example, this season it is possible to get your hands on a very powerful Exotic Rocket Launcher, Truth, that destroys your foes in PVP.
So it’s safe to say that Season of Opulence is definitely giving Guardians what they want. It’s giving them what they want so much so that now there’s more than 1 million Guardians playing Destiny 2 every single day. This number is made up of PC, Playstation 4, and Xbox One Guardians, all across the various different modes offered in Destiny 2.
As of the 16th of June 2019 the total number of Guardians playing Destiny 2 was at 1.01 million. 963,000 of those Guardians are playing PVE, which is Strikes, Sandbox, and Nightfall, 472,000 are playing Crucible, 319,000 are playing Gambit, and 139,000 are raiding, which I would class as PVE but there we go, it has it’s own category. While this data is going to change daily, this is where it was on the 16th of June, and here’s an image from the 15th to cement it in your minds.

At the end of 2018 Activision reported that Destiny 2 had six million monthly active users, but this was the point just before Bungie went independent from the publisher. For the first quarter Activision reported a loss of 12 million monthly active users, and around half of that is accounted for by Destiny 2 on its own, which is very impressive for Bungie. While the number of Guardians may have dropped a bit since then, it’s definitely climbing once again with this new way of distributing content seasonally.
When Forsaken launched the daily payer count topped out at 1.3 million in the Crucible, and 2.6 million in PVE, which was obviously Guardians completing the campaign and uncovering secrets. That is massive, and so much higher than the numbers I’m talking about today. However, today all we have is a new season, and it’s actually been around for a couple of weeks. Can you imaging how high these numbers will be when Shadowkeep launches?
Let us know how many Guardians you think will be playing in each category when the next big expansion for Destiny 2 launches later this year in the comments.
Image Source: Twitter