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Discord Ghost Opens A New Way To Play Destiny 2 With Others

A Guardian in the Destiny 2 community has released a huge project that will help all Guardians work together better across every platform. The project, Discord Ghost, is a piece of software that allows for better integration between Destiny 2 and Discord, making it far easier to coordinate with fellow Guardians in your clan, and, more importantly, those in your raid team.


A Guardian in the Destiny 2 community has released a huge project that will help all Guardians work together better across every platform. The project, Discord Ghost, is a piece of software that allows for better integration between Destiny 2 and Discord, making it far easier to coordinate with fellow Guardians in your clan, and, more importantly, those in your raid team.

The new software comes from Pixhel1 over on Reddit, who made an announcement regarding Destiny Ghost recently. The idea behind the software is to allow better integration between the game and Discord, something which isn’t super easy right now.

You can pick up the first version of Destiny Ghost here, through its GitHub repository. Currently the software requires you to also have the Bungie API key, which is freely available here. The creators have said that they’re considering removing this issue later, which I believe would be incredibly helpful for anyone hoping to use it. Finally, the creators also offer any Guardians using the software to provide feedback on issues here. My guess is that they’ll collate the responses and work on the most common issues first, so put everything you have a problem with on there.

There’s a Twitter account that you can follow for updates if you want to keep up to date on the app. This is the account from which updates will be announced, so it’s worth looking at if you’re planning on using this software a lot.

At this point in time there’s no OAuth for the software, so you need to change the privacy settings in your Bungie profile here. What you need to change is to have your progression in the game shown, and show your progression feed on Bungie. Until an OAuth has been built this is the only way to use the software.

How To Use Destiny Ghost

We have a helpful guide on how to use this software, so follow the list below to get it working.

  • In Discord, enable the game activity status message. This is found in Settings/Game Activity/Display Currently Running Game as a Message
  • Ensure the privacy settings on your Bungie profile are set as above
  • Create a Bungie Application for yourself. You won’t need an OAuth, but you will need to copy the API key
  • Launch the app through the start.exe file. This will open in a Power Shell/Terminal Window/cmd
  • Type or paste the API key in here, and press enter
  • Type in your full Battlenet tag, PSN ID, or Xbox Gamertag. This has to be all of one of these tags or it won’t work
  • Don’t close down the windows until you want to close the service. After this you’re done

There’s an FAQ on the service as it is right now here. I’m sure other issues will pop up and get fixed over the course of time, but for now this seems like a solid way to integrate Discord into your time with Destiny 2.

Let us know if you’re using the service in the comments, or whether you think you’ll be doing so in the future.

Image Source: Twitter

I'm an avid Destiny 2 fan and player. I fell in love with Destiny 1 during the early alpha and have been hooked by the universe ever since. I really enjoy playing with other Guardians, speculating about the lore, and writing about as much of the Destiny universe as I can.

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