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Fully 3D Printed And Painted Destiny Miniatures

When a Guarding makes these for their clan mate, you know it’s friendship.


The Destiny Subreddit is always full of impressive fan creations, but this one really does take the piss. One Guardian has carefully 3D painted and printed a bunch of tabletop figures for their clan mate, all because they were inspired by that clan mate’s love of the game.

Before I see you all heading to Reddit to tell the creator that they painted the miniatures wrong, they aren’t massively keen on this sort of thing. 3D printing they can do, but painting miniatures is an art form, and since they were doing it for someone else, it’s not surprising that everything isn’t perfect. With that said, I still think they’re pretty good.

This first image is a decent view of all of the miniatures in one single shot. You can see that pretty much everyone is in there that you’d need, including the three iconic Guardian characters.

This image is a bit of a better view of the three key Guardians, and you can almost tell exactly which armour they’re wearing. Obviously the focus here is Iron Banner, something I massively approve of.

This Fallen Captain is a beast! Here we also get a good look at the plates each figure is standing on. They don’t look poor quality whatsoever, in fact they look quite expensive. I’d expect to see these in a full priced tabletop board game.

A very nice touch to the back of the cloak. It’s good to see the House insignia there, and it looks pretty accurate to how they appear in the game.

A Cabal soldier. This guy isn’t a member of the Red Legion, but that shield is going to be just as annoying.

Destiny 1 fans will be having flashbacks to Sepiks Prime. This is of course just a standard Servitor. I love the accuracy in this one though. It’s chilling, haunting, and looks like a terrifying boss enemy to come up against in whatever game these figures are for.

A Pyramid of the Darkness. Something we’re used to seeing a lot of now in Destiny 2. This thing is very precise, and couldn’t be easier to paint. I also love the Destiny insignia for the plate.

A Fallen Guardian. One we know is going to be a problem, better to put him down. It could also act as a sort of NPC guide for a dungeon I suppose.

This is a perfect image. Here we see what I presume is not meant to be Osiris, but it looks a little like it could be him, side by side with Saint-14. This duo are notorious, especially since Curse of Osiris. We’ve also got that £2 coin for scale, which is super helpful in figuring out just how small these figures are.

Let us know what you think of these miniatures in the comments.

Image Source: Reddit

I'm an avid Destiny 2 fan and player. I fell in love with Destiny 1 during the early alpha and have been hooked by the universe ever since. I really enjoy playing with other Guardians, speculating about the lore, and writing about as much of the Destiny universe as I can.

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