One Guardian has been slowly building the entirety of Destiny 2 in Minecraft, block by block. They recently shared their creation on Reddit, and most Guardians are pretty pleased about what’s been done.
At the moment you can visit Titan, Nessus, and Io, there are even weapons to use like Raze Lighter. What has been built here is just amazing. A total of 4 locations, 30 + Exotics, 2 Forge activities, 100 + modelled items, 2 Borderlands style raid bosses, 3 rotating Crucible maps, and a weekly visit from Xur. You can access the server here.
The amount of effort that’s gone into this project is really quite astounding. What’s more, it’s just another way that Guardians are working to preserve what’s in Destiny 2 at this point in time. As content gets vaulted, we’re not going to see it for a very long time. Even when we do, Bungie will have changed a lot of how it works and looks, so this might be the only window we have to look back at what was once there in the game.
I don’t think that we’ll see the Guardian community suddenly flock to Minecraft based on this, but it is a great way to commemorate the games. It’s also a nice alternative for those who get a little bored of Destiny, and want something with a different flavour.
The Destiny franchise has been around long enough for new mediums like this to start popping up with more and more competency. I’m just really impressed with how many different faucets of the universe have been created.
I think that Minecraft is the perfect place to create Destiny content outside of the game for a few reasons. Mostly because it’s very open to modding, and lots of people enjoy playing it anyway. However, it also allows for the type of storytelling that’s used in Destiny 1 and 2.
Not every story is told through cutscenes, in fact very few are. It’s more about lore items, descriptions, and the environment. We’ve seen some truly incredible things come out of Minecraft, and I believe that the community of Guardians is more than capable of pulling together to accurately recreate something like the Tower, and turn it into a fantastic social space.
Let us know what you think in the comments.
Image Source: Reddit