Destiny 2 Community Infographic For Returning Players in Forsaken

Now that Destiny 2 Forsaken has launched around the world it’s time to talk about those returning Guardians. Those who have seen the news that Cayde-6 has been murdered and want to get some payback for the only reason they kept the game installed on their console.
However, someone in the Destiny community, user Kaneis over on Reddit, has already put together a great infographic for any returning Guardian who wants to get into Forsaken but needs a little help putting the pieces together about what’s new, what’s not, and what they have to do to catch up.
The infographic is here at the end of this article, but you can also head to the source via the image source link at the bottom of the article if you want to see the original.
This got us thinking about what a returning Guardian is actually going to need to do in order to get back into playing Destiny 2, particularly if they’ve missed the expansions that have made up the game’s post-launch content so far, so here’s our little guide based on the content we’ve got available on the website.
Firstly, you need to finish Destiny 2. The story is great but it’s also essential to finish if you want to get to Forsaken at all. The game is actually free for Playstation Plus members at the moment, so it’s a good point for new players to jump in if you haven’t already.
Next you’ll want to jump into the first of Destiny 2’s paid-for expansions, The Curse of Osiris. We won’t spoil the story for you, but it adds a new planet, some new missions, and some new activities which extend into the wider game that you’ll continue playing well into Forsaken. One particularly awesome item to get from this expansion is Sagira, a new Ghost Shell that takes weeks to obtain, but it’s well worth it.
Now with that out of the way you need to jump into Warmind, the second paid-for expansion for Destiny 2, and in my opinion the best so far. Again this adds a new planet to explore and a lot of new missions. It also brings a new activity that’s one of the hardest and most-enjoyable in the game, pitting you against wave after wave of Hive enemies for the ultimate reward.
With both expansions out of the way you might want to jump into the raid and lairs. The fact is that these can’t be finished without a team, but you can use Guided Games, a system that hooks you up with other players and a guide, in order to get through them. This used to be where you got the best loot, but now there’s something new in Forsaken for the really high-end gear.
After all this is completed, at a minimum, you’re ready for Forsaken. There’s a lot of content in this new expansion, all of which is explained in the infographic. Take you time with this one, it’s going to be something to remember Guardians. Let us know your thoughts on it in the comments.
Image Source: Reddit User Kaneis