How Good Is The Trespasser?

This week Xur is sporting the Trespasser, a truly fantastic exotic weapon for a number of reasons, but should you buy it, and how good is it?
As an exotic Sidearm Trespasser is one of only 2 such items in Destiny, both of which are pretty incredible. Sidearms are meant to be whipped out after you’ve shot the crap out of a target with your primary, but not enough to kill them and bring them down.
Trespasser sport Arc energy, which can be useful for a number of activities, particularly those that have heroic modifiers such as the new 390 Light Raids and Heroic or Nightfall Strikes.
The first exotic perk, Be The Danger, makes the weapon fire bursts instead of single bullets. This makes for huge damage dealing from a sidearm, and you’ll see that when you use it. A second perk Relentless Tracker, enhanced motion tracker resolution with each kill. Already here we have increased damage dealt, though some recoil control may be required, and with each kill you’re tracking the enemy with more and more efficiency.
Now we add another perk, Unrepentant, which causes a superburst the next time you fire, if you reload straight after a kill. This superburst does even more damage, and makes short work of most enemies, especially those weak to Arc damage.
With all of these perks taken into consideration, it’s not hard to see where this weapon would be most useful. In terms of PVE it’s Strikes where the weapon finds its home. Lots of enemies ganging up on you can be incredibly overwhelming, when you’re primary magazine runs out this thing is your best friend, clearing space around and in front of you.
When it comes to PVP you need fast weapons, and Trespasser is the definition of fast. Whatever you’re running as your primary there’s a good chance you won’t be able to kill every Guardian you see. Trespasser can be whipped out in an instant and deal more than enough damage to finish off an enemy. The enhanced motion tracking will also help you maintain a decent aim while you run after and finish off this enemy, and superbursts could help you get team kills in Trials of Osiris.