Is Trinity Ghoul The Best Exotic Bow?
Trinity Ghoul is an Exotic Bow that was added to Destiny 2 with the Forsaken expansion. There are only three Exotic Bows in the game, Trinity Ghoul, Le Monarque, and Wish-Ender, but which one is the best? We’re here to check out the first one and decide if Trinity Ghoul is the best Exotic Bow in Destiny 2.

Trinity Ghoul is an Exotic Bow that was added to Destiny 2 with the Forsaken expansion. There are only three Exotic Bows in the game, Trinity Ghoul, Le Monarque, and Wish-Ender, but which one is the best? We’re here to check out the first one and decide if Trinity Ghoul is the best Exotic Bow in Destiny 2.
Trinity Ghoul
The stats on Trinity Ghoul are;
- Impact – 80
- Accuracy – 96
- Stability – 50
- Draw Time – 840
- Reload Speed – 55
- Inventory Size – 64
- Handling – 58
The Hidden stats on Trinity Ghoul are;
- Zoom – 18
- Charge Time – 40
- Aim Assistance – 74
- Recoil Direction – 77
These stats are already high enough to make Trinity Ghoul a brilliant Bow, but it’s the perks that bring it up to the level of Exotic. The perks on Trinity Ghoul, according to Destiny 2 DB, are;
- Exotic perk – Split Electron: This perk makes Trinity Ghoul fire an arrow that splits when released. The spread is decreased by both aiming down sights and fully drawing the shot.
- High Tension String – This perk greatly increases Accuracy, causes a slightly slower draw time, and slightly decreases Stability.
- Compact Arrow Shaft – This perk increases the size of your quiver, allowing for more arrows in reserve.
- Lightning Rod – This perk makes the shot after a precision kill generate chain lightning.
- Trackers – These are the usual tracker perks for no tracking, Crucible kills, and enemy kills.
What about the competition?
Trinity Ghoul is unique in that it allows you to shoot off an incredibly powerful shot, that will damage a number of enemies, after nailing a precision kill. I’ve used it a lot in both PVE and PVP and can confirm that it’s really useful, and pretty easy to activate.
Wish-Ender’s Exotic perk allows you to track enemies behind walls while aiming. This is impressive, but doesn’t actually help you if there are a group of enemies on the way, since Bows take a while to draw. It’s actually quite a difficult Bow to get, but we’ve got a guide here if you need one.
Le Monarque, the final Exotic Bow, allows you to poison enemies by firing arrows quickly after a full draw. This poison can spread among enemies, causing damage on a wider scale that you’d see from using one single arrow.
What I can definitely say is that Wish-Ender isn’t better than Trinity Ghoul, but Le Monarque is on almost the same level. However, I think we have to admit that Le Monaruqe is slightly better, basically because it can deal damage to multiple enemies and ultimately make it easier to take larger groups down.
Maybe you feel differently about the Exotic Bows in Destiny 2. Let us know which one you think is the best and why in the comments.
Image Source: Destiny 2 DB
March 13, 2019 at 11:05 pm
The thing I feel that sets TG 1 step ahead is that Lightning Rod will stay active even after swapping weapons. This giving the right user an easy panic shot. Even hitting the floor with TG will supply you with a series of kills.
March 14, 2019 at 3:45 pm
I did however find Monarque more effective in the Shattered Throne. First boss fight.
November 24, 2020 at 5:49 pm
I have been trying to get wish ender since beyond light came out and nobody will go with me. I tried to solo it one Saturday for almost 8 hours and every time I died it reset the entire shattered throne dungeon and I had to start over. But I can say that if you have Trinity Ghouls masterwork catalist and lightning rod triggers off any arc damage kill then it is by far better then almost every weapon in the game. It’s let me solo things in this game that were not meant to be done alone. As long as there’s thralls or dregs or something spawned around you then you don’t even need to aim, just shoot the ground and let the chain lightinng do the rest. Worst case scenario you do a quick panic shot without a full draw and the three arrows spread wide into the crowd and something is gonna die and proc another lightning rod. If you’re an arc hunter it procs off your mele. It’s definately OP. Riskrunner is probably a little bit more powerful, but only slightly. But choosing one of those I’d personally take the bow for the range, You can clear sections without even taking any damage.