Earlier this week, Bungie gave us a tiny look at Savathun and The Witch Queen reveal ahead of the major event on Tuesday. This looked at the time to be a part of the upcoming showcase and one of the cutscenes in it, though we didn’t have a clue. What I was most struck by was The Witch Queen herself, Savathun. I knew she’d be part of this expansion, but I didn’t realize we’d be getting a look at her in such a primordial form.
Savathun is an absolute monster in many ways. Her head is adorned with a giant crown, she has elegantly pointed shoulders and a cape that drapes behind her as if it’s almost floating. She’s a queen in every sense of the word, but she’s also some sort of undead monster of a queen. She is harsh and has ambitions way beyond the Hive’s semi-homeworld of Fundament. That’s why we’re getting to see her now though.
I see Savathun as the most powerful Hive boss we’ve ever face, She’s got control over every Hive out there, but she’s also able to control others through her various pawns. To see this monster lurking behind your friends would be terrifying. I can’t even imagine what it must feel like to have her in your mind, telling you what to do and where to go at almost all times.
Savathun reminds me of the Mongols. She’s here to care and nurture for her enemies in an effort to get them to turn and fight for her. It’s a tactic that many have used throughout time, and it works quite a lot of the time. I wouldn’t be surprised to see if everything that Guardians have been fighting from day one in Destiny 1 was somehow linked to Savathun.
In a weird way, Savathun looks like she’s stepping in only because the weaker side of her family hasn’t been able to prove itself. Crota then Oryx failed, not it’s her time to step up and take Guardians down a peg or two. The thing is, I reckon she could actually do it.
Let us know what you think in the comments.