Ever Wondered What’s Under A Hive Knight’s Helmet?
A Guardian on the Destiny 2 Subreddit has gone out of their way to share a pretty disturbing image. It’s not disturbing because it’s the head of a dead alien, it’s more because of the resemblance that it bears to a human head. This raises a lot of questions that I don’t think we’ll get answers to anytime soon, but I still think it’s pretty cool to look into.

A Guardian on the Destiny 2 Subreddit has gone out of their way to share a pretty disturbing image. It’s not disturbing because it’s the head of a dead alien, it’s more because of the resemblance that it bears to a human head. This raises a lot of questions that I don’t think we’ll get answers to anytime soon, but I still think it’s pretty cool to look into.
This Is What’s Inside A Hive Knight’s Helmet

Pretty weird right? While there are definitely a lot of differences between this disgusting visage and an actual human, you can’t deny that there are a lot of similarities too. Of course most of the alien races in Destiny 2 are humanoid in some way, but there are plenty that don’t look anything like us. The Vex are a prime example of an alien race this defies any sort of comprehension, simply because they’re goo inside metal.
The Hive crashed their homeworld into a gas giant called Fundament untold ages ago. They’re allegedly an ancient race that resulted form a pact with the Worm Gods. They’re basically space zombies, living for the death of the Light that the Traveler brings. They worship the Darkness by travelling from world to world, murdering whatever race they encounter and turning it into a mess of undead tissue. They manipulate the physical world in a way we’ll never understand, and that all makes them sound like rotting corpses with magic imbued into them.
Why then does this Hive Knight have a head like a human? It doesn’t seem to make any sense, but here we are. It may be that the Destiny universe has some sort of proto-human race, ancestors that we’ve never heard of. These ancestors could have been some sort of sub-species, or vice versa, of the ancient Hive. The Hive definitely turned a darker corner when they allied themselves with the Worm Gods, but there’s nothing to say that Humans didn’t do the same with something else.
Ultimately, I have no idea why this Hive Knight has a human head. It’s unsettling because it indicates that our two races aren’t so different. It’s just possible that the Hive are the result of an undead plague, and this is what would have become of humanity if that plague had hit Earth without the Traveler to support them.
Let us know what you think in the comments.
Image Sources: Reddit,
March 30, 2020 at 5:49 pm
In the lore books about the hive, it is said that they use worms to infect humans and transform them into hive. So this may be the reason.