What’s Included in the Destiny 2 Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack?
What exactly are you getting in this?

During The Witch Queen reveal event, Bungie also gave us a glimpse at a new pack coming to Destiny 2 later this year. It’s the 30th Anniversary Pack for Destiny 2, and will include a tonne of additional cosmetics and other items for your Guardian. While you don’t need it to take part in the time-limited events that will also be taking place, it’s a premium, almost collector’s edition, version of the event that you’d buy if you were looking to take something else a little extra away from it. This article dives into exactly what you get if you pre-order it ahead of the event or buy it.
New Dungeon
The first new thing you’ll get is a brand new Dungeon to explore in the game. It’s inspired by the Cosmodrome loot caves and is basically a decent nod to them. You’ll be descending into the Dungeon and can unlock a new Thorn armor set if you push hard enough. This doesn’t seem that great, but the Dungeon is also going to have a few easter eggs that call back to past Bungie titles and IPs. It’s worth exploring if you’re a Bungie fan.
The pack comes with the most famous weapon in all of Destiny history. The Gjallarhorn was the best Exotic in Destiny 1, and it’s returning as part of this pack, though it will work slightly differently of course. There’s going to be a new quest that you’ll have to complete to pick it up, and that includes heading into the above Dungeon. It’s even got a Catalyst for you to charge, something that all Guardians should enjoy chasing.
There will be a tonne of new Exotic items to collect from this pack. They’re going to be different ships, armor, Emblems, Sparrows, and much more. This is pretty standard with any collector’s edition pack, but tis time it’s all themed around Bungie, so it’s slightly better if you love the developer.
Ornament Sets
Finally, you’ll also get some Ornament sets and exclusive cosmetic armors to wear around all of Destiny 2’s locations. These are purely for fun, but if you enjoy them, you could make some seriously awful videos in which Guardians smash enemies wearing streetwear.
Let us know if you’ll be buying the Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack in the comments.
David Daniel
December 7, 2021 at 1:01 pm
Have been a destiny fan from day, and can still remember picking up the Gjallarhorn the first time round it was in a raid & as I celebrated I hit my hand against the chair so hard I broke my thumb.
Destiny 2 had been a disappointment on launch but the last 4 seasons have impressed me so much, that I have not played any other game, may the form continue & PLZ PLZ don’t disappoint us with the anniversary content but I’m very confident that Witch Queen will hit several home runs