Today Is Your Final Chance To Move Your Destiny 2 Account To Steam From
Stop what you’re doing and switch the account over right now!

If you’re reading this and you have a sneaking suspicion that you haven’t moved your Destiny 2 account over from to Steam yet, then stop what you’re doing. I don’t care if you’re in work or school, they’re not as important as the hundreds of hours you’ve poured into this game. Find out if your account has moved right now, because if it hasn’t, it’s about to be deleted.
When Bungie and Activision Blizzard split a while back, it was messy. Destiny 2’s PC version was tied to, and Activision Blizzard didn’t want a game in their PC loader that wasn’t theirs. That’s why Bungie migrated the game to Steam. Since the split, it’s been possible to login to Bungie’s site and transfer your game, and progress over to Steam.
However, as of 9am PST/12pm EST/5pm GMT, you’ll no longer be able to move your account over. Instead, if you’ve let it sit there and do nothing, it’s going to be deleted. Activision has give us all a good amount of time to make the move, and if you haven’t by now, you probably don’t play Destiny 2 anymore.
Still, even if you haven’t touched the game since before the split, I’d implore you to move it now. The game is better than ever, there’s so much more content, and so many more Guardians. It’s a great place to be. If you’ve already purchased it, why let Activision delete the game that you’re rightfully entitled to?
If you still need to make the move, head to the correct Bungie page here. I don’t know how I can stress anymore how important it is that you give yourself the option to come back to this game. It doesn’t matter how many expansions you’re behind on, that just gives you more content to work through.
All I can say is that Beyond Light is easily the best expansion I’ve seen in Destiny’s history. Forsaken was massive, and it’s still a lot of fun. Beyond Light contains lessons learned from mistakes made in that expansion though.
If nothing else, don’t let Activision Blizzard make the money you spent go to waste. Add Destiny 2 to your Steam library so that it can at least sit there next to the hundreds of other games you don’t play.
Let us know if you made the change in the comments.
Image Source: PCGamesN