All posts tagged "pvp"
/ 11 months agoAnalyzing Destiny 2’s Exotic Weapon Strengths: PvP and PvE Rankings
In the ever-unpredictable universe of Destiny 2, a guardian’s arsenal can make all the difference between soaring to victory or plummeting...
/ 11 months agoNavigating the Destiny Trials Report: A Novice’s Guide
Ah, the Destiny Trials Report: a mystical realm filled with stats, strategies, and confusion for all those brave enough to venture...
/ 11 months agoMastering the Trials: Analyzing Osiris Performance
Are you tired of getting your butt handed to you in Osiris matches? Sick of feeling like a scrub while all...
/ 12 months agoCracking the Code: Understanding Destiny’s PvP Meta
Calling all Guardians! Are you tired of getting wrecked in the Crucible and feeling like you’re constantly a step behind in
/ 12 months agoMaster the Crucible: Outsmarting Foes in Destiny 2
Welcome, fellow Guardians, to the battlefield of the Crucible in Destiny 2, where friendships are tested, enemies are made, and tea-bagging...
/ 1 year agoMastering Trials: Advanced Strategies for Destiny 2
Welcome, Guardians, to the ultimate guide on how to conquer those pesky Trials in Destiny 2 like a pro! Do your...
/ 1 year agoCracking the Code: Optimal Weapon Tactics in Destiny PvP
Are you tired of getting fragged by that one sweaty player with the god roll weapon in Destiny PvP? Are you...
/ 5 years agoShould Bungie Add A Weekly Crucible Pinnacle Activity To Destiny 2?
A Guardian on the Destiny 2 subreddit has made a bold request, a weekly Pinnacle quest for the Crucible. The reason...