Invitation Of The Nine Week 3

Invitation of the Nine is a new long-form questline that’s been going for a while now in Destiny 2. In order to pick up the different steps you need to get an Invitation of the Nine from Xur each week. We’ve already covered what you need to do for week 1 and week 2, and in this article we’re going to cover the requirements for week 3 of Invitation of the Nine.
High Priestess
For week 3 of Invitation of the Nine the quest step is called High Priestess. This is the bounty that you’re awarded for completing week 2 of the questline, and it’s really quite a tough one.
For week 3 you need to collect samples from Cabal, Vex, and Fallen by killing them. The best way to do this is to head out and find a decent place to farm these enemies, good ones. You need to kill a lot of each race, so make sure your farming spot is filled to the brim because these samples will take forever to collect otherwise.
Next up you need to complete the Inverted Spire Strike. You can find the Strike in your Director by heading to Nessus and selecting it. You might pick up enough Vex kills in the Strike to make up the samples you need, but it’s probably still a better bet with the Fallen and Cabal to go ahead and find some decent farming spots.
When you’ve done this, head to the Gambit section in the Director and go to the node underneath the Reckoning node. This will grant you a bunch more lore and a new piece of Legendary gear. We’ve been told that cutscenes won’t come every week with the Invitation of the Nine, so hopefully week 4 has some.
Invitation of the Nine is a really simple way to collect some of the deeper lore from the Destiny universe and pick up some powerful gear. We recommend taking the quest on because it’ll help you get up to max Power Level much faster than you would without it. There are only so many Daily Challenges and Weekly Challenges that you can complete in a week.
Let us know whether you completed this quest step in the comments.