How Does The Menagerie Work?
This week we’ve been given even more of an insight into what’s coming with Season of Opulence. There’s so much to learn about, but one of the biggest things that’s going to have a steep learning curve is The Menagerie. We pick up the Chalice through an introductory questline, and then it can be shared between all of the Guardians on your account.

This week we’ve been given even more of an insight into what’s coming with Season of Opulence. There’s so much to learn about, but one of the biggest things that’s going to have a steep learning curve is The Menagerie. We pick up the Chalice through an introductory questline, and then it can be shared between all of the Guardians on your account.
In Season of Opulence Calus will be giving all Guardians the Chalice of Opulence. This item is our gateway to treasure through The Menagerie. As you complete runs in The Menagerie you’ll earn Runes, and by slotting these into the Chalice of Opulence you’ll unlock gear and weapons, which you yourself can pick and choose by selecting the correct Runes.
How Does it Work?
The Chalice has slots that you can plug Runes into. You earn Runes by doing the following; completing Weekly Bounties, opening up the new weekly chests on Nessus Bridge, or using a consumable that will award a Rune after completing Strikes, Crucible matches, or Gambit matches. This last way to earn Runes will also give those in your team a chance to earn them as well.
You need to slot these Runes into the Chalice before completing a session in The Menagerie. Once you complete the session in The Menagerie then you’ll be awarded the gear and weapons you chose prior to the game. Depending on how you slot the Runes into the Chalice, and which ones you use, the rewards will be different.

The Chalice can be upgraded to offer better rewards, but you’ll need to complete new Triumphs and Bounties in order to earn the correct currency, Imperials. The upgrades give you the power to choose things like what a weapon is Masterworked in, or how powerful the weapons are.
Imperials can be earned by; completing Bounties, completing Triumphs, using a consumable that awards Imperials from activities, and upgrading the Chalice to award Imperials for activity completion.
We get to choose how the Chalice is upgraded at each step. First we could opt for an additional Rune slot, upgrade the Chalice to award more Runes, or upgrade the Chalice to reward more powerful loot from The Menagerie.
An example Bungie have given is for the below Sniper Rifle. In order to earn it with a Handling Masterwork we would need to use a Rune of Jubilation, any red Rune, and any purple Rune. This is the only combination Bungie is going to give us for free, but I’m sure the community is going to work all of them out within the first day.

That’s how The Menagerie works! I reckon everyone will have this Sniper Rifle before too long. Let us know what you think of this new event and how it awards loot in the comments.
Image Source: Bungie