Destiny 2 Solstice of Heroes 2019 Armour Upgrade Guide
With Solstice of Heroes 2019 finally upon us it’s time to upgrade that Solstice Armour set all the way to Majestic, but doing that is quite the task. Solstice of Heroes is live until the 27th of August, and Guardians have until then to fully upgrade their Solstice Amour. The benefit of doing this is that it will still be viable in Armour 2.0, an upcoming change with Shadowkeep.

With Solstice of Heroes 2019 finally upon us it’s time to upgrade that Solstice Armour set all the way to Majestic, but doing that is quite the task. Solstice of Heroes is live until the 27th of August, and Guardians have until then to fully upgrade their Solstice Amour. The benefit of doing this is that it will still be viable in Armour 2.0, an upcoming change with Shadowkeep.
Once you’ve picked up your Solstice Armour from Eva Levante, you’ll be able to inspect it to see the objectives that need to be completed on each piece. We’ve put together this guide, complete with helpful tips on what activities to complete and maximise your objective completion.
Drained Armour Set Objectives
The Drained Armour set for each Class must be upgraded to the Renewed set before you can upgrade it again to Majestic. Let’s have a look at the objectives per Class here.
- Helmet Objectives – Complete a run in the EAZ, defeat 50 Cabal, and make 50 precision final blows
- Gauntlet Objectives – Complete 10 Strikes in Playlists, collect 500 Elemental Orbs of any type, and defeat 10 opposing Guardians
- Chest Armour Objectives – Complete three Adventures, collect 100 Arc Elemental Orbs in the Crucible or Gambit, and open 10 Solstice Packages
- Leg Armour Objectives – Loot 10 chests in the EAZ, collect 100 Solar Elemental Orbs from Strikes, and use Void Subclass to defeat 75 enemies in the EAZ
- Bond Objectives – Complete 10 Public Events on Nessus, complete five Solstice of Heroes Bounties, and complete 10 matches in the Crucible or Gambit
- Helmet Objectives – Complete runs in the EAZ, make 50 precision final blows, and kill 50 Fallen enemies
- Gauntlet Objectives – Complete 10 Strikes in Playlists, collect 100 Solar Elemental orbs from the Crucible or Gambit, and open 10 Solstice Packages
- Chest Armour Objectives – Loot 10 chests in the EAZ, collect 500 Elemental Orbs of any type, and defeat 75 enemies in the EAZ with a Solar Subclass
- Leg Armour Objectives – Complete 10 Public Events on Nessus, complete five Solstice of Heroes Bounties, and defeat 10 Guardians in the Crucible or Gambit
- Bond Objectives – Complete three Adventures on Nessus, collect 100 Arc Elemental Orbs, and complete 10 matches in the Crucible or Gambit
- Helmet Objectives – Complete runs in the EAZ, make 50 precision final blows, and kill 50 Hive enemies
- Gauntlet Objectives – Loot 10 chests in the EAZ, complete five Solstice of Heroes Bounties, and kill enemies in the EAZ using an Arc Subclass
- Chest Armour Objectives – Complete three Adventures, collect 100 Solar Elemental Orbs from Strikes, and defeat 10 Guardians in the Crucible or Gambit
- Leg Armour Objectives – Complete 10 Public Events on Nessus, collect 100 Void Elemental Orbs from the Crucible or Gambit, and open 10 Solstice Packages
- Bond Objectives – Complete 10 Strikes in playlists, collect 500 elemental Orbs of any type, and complete 10 matches in the Crucible or Gambit
Tips for Renewed Solstice Armour Upgrades
As you can see from the above lists, there are basically five objectives that you have to follow. The first thing you should do is purchase all the Solstice of Heroes Bounties from Eva Levante. Completing these is paramount to at least one piece of Armour, and you can make progress to them all, more or less, with every activity. Focus on completing these every day, and you’ll make this upgrading job easy.
The hardest part of all of it is defeating enemies in the Crucible or Gambit, and earning Elemental Orbs there, just because it takes a lot of time. If, like me, you like to get the hard work out of the way first, head to the Crucible and just play until you’ve completed all the related objectives.
Next up, I would suggest that you hop into Strikes. These are also time consuming, but they will help you earn Elemental Orbs at a phenomenal rate.
Completing Adventures is pretty quick and painless. My advice would be to do it on Nessus, because you can jump into some Public Events between finishing them.
Finally, the EAZ is a wonderful activity, but you’ll smash through the objectives for it in a couple of runs. Save it till last, unless you have a daily Bounty that needs completing.
Renewed Armour Set Objectives
Next up we’re onto the Renewed Armour, and upgrading it to Majestic. Let’s do the same, take a look at the objectives and listen to the advice below.
- Helmet Objectives – Defeat minibosses in EAZ runs, collect Elemental Orbs whilst in the EAZ, and defeat enemies in Strikes with the Subclass for the daily element
- Gauntlet Objectives – Complete Bounties, collect Elemental Orbs by matching Subclasses with your fireteam, and defeat Guardians in Crucible matches or Gambit
- Chest Armour Objectives – Complete Gambit matches, complete daily or weekly Challenges, and defeat enemies using Void weapons
- Leg Armour Objectives – Complete Heroic Public Events, collect Solar Elemental Orbs during Strikes, and defeat Hive enemies using the daily element
- Bond Objectives – Complete Patrols on Titan, loot chests in the EAZ, and defeat Guardians with an Arc Super in Gambit or the Crucible
- Helmet Objectives – Complete Solstice of Heroes Bounties, loot chests in the EAZ, and defeat enemies using Arc weapons
- Gauntlet Objectives – Complete Heroic Public Events, collect Arc Elemental Orbs in Strikes, and defeat Cabal using the daily element
- Chest Armour Objectives – Complete Gambit matches, collect Elemental Orbs by using a Subclass that matches the daily element, and defeat enemies with Void Grenades
- Leg Armour Objectives – Complete daily or weekly Challenges, defeat enemies in Strikes using a subclass that matches the daily element, and defeat Guardians in the Crucible or Gambit using Void weapons
- Bond Objectives – Complete Patrols on the EDZ, collect Elemental Orbs in the EAZ, and defeat minibosses in the EAZ
- Helmet Objectives – Complete Gambit matches, collect Elemental Orbs using the daily element, and defeat Guardians in the Crucible or Gambit using Arc weapons
- Gauntlet Objectives – Complete Heroic Public Events, complete daily or weekly Challenges, and defeat minibosses in the EAZ
- Chest Armour Objectives – Defeat enemies in Strikes using the daily element, loot chests in the EAZ, and defeat Fallen enemies using a subclass that matches the daily element
- Leg Armour Objectives – Complete Bounties, collect Void Elemental Orbs in Strikes, and defeat enemies using Solar melee attacks
- Bond Objectives – Complete Patrols on the IO, collect Elemental Orbs in the EAZ, and defeat enemies using Solar weapons
Tips for Majestic Solstice Armour Upgrades
These objectives have some variations that mean not everyone is going to be able to do the same thing to upgrade every Armour piece. For Renewed Armour paying attention to the daily element is key, and using it to your advantage will not only mean you deal more damage, but it’ll advance objectives too. Here it’s also important to continue completing Solstice of Heroes Bounties, they count on every Armour set.
You’re going to need to suck it up at some point and use a weapon that has a specific element so that you can advance an objective. Doing this early on is worth it, even if you take a hit on Power Level. Don’t worry too much because, unless you’re really low, you won’t feel the hit you take in any activities.
Patrols are definitely going to be something you need to do, regardless of your Class. I’d advise trying to do these first, since you can double up with daily element Subclass kills, completing Bounties, and maybe event completing the Flashpoint for a Challenge if you fancy it.
Masterwork Majestic Armour Set Objectives
Once you’ve hit the Majestic Legendary Armour set you can go one step further and Masterwork it. The objectives here are obviously tougher, so be ready for a real challenge. If you intend to do this, I recommend getting to the Majestic set as early as possible, otherwise you may not have time to Masterwork the set.
Masterwork Objectives for all Classes
- Helmet Objectives – Complete a Prestige Nightfall with a score of over 200,000 points
- Gauntlet Objectives – Complete playlist Strikes with clan mates
- Chest Armour Objectives – Complete The Shattered Throne Dungeon with two or fewer Guardians in total
- Leg Armour Objectives – Reset your Valor rank for Season 7
- Bond Objectives – Defeat challenging enemies
Tips for Masterworking Solstice Armour Upgrades
These objectives are brutal, understandably. If you’re not in a clan you’re going to struggle, not just because of the objective that requires clan mates, but also because of the Prestige Nightfall and The Shattered Throne. My advice is to get in a clan and run with them all the time, post your needs and hope they help you.
Defeating challenging enemies is something you’ll do in any Strike, so get in a clan and complete Strikes with them and this objective will melt away.
Resetting your Valor rank requires you to play a lot of Crucible Quickplay. It won’t be as difficult as Competitive, but it is a grind to resetting the rank in full. This is probably going to take you the longest amount of time, so get on it first.
That’s our guide for how to fully upgrade your Solstice of Heroes 2019 Armour. Let us know if you manage to get to Majestic and Masterwork the Armour in the comments.