E3 2021 took place over the last weekend and couple of days into this week just gone. It was the first digital-only E3 that was actually planned. Last year, right up until March, the organisers were still very insistent that the event would go ahead. This year wasn’t as big as previous years have been, but there was still a good amount on show. Something that was sorely lacking was Destiny 2, but there’s a good reason for that.
Bungie has already delayed The Witch Queen into 2022. We know that there’s a big content gap at the moment once Season 15 ends, but the developer just doesn’t have anything to tell us about it yet. The thing is, Bungie is generally pretty transparent with us. The only time they take the opportunity to be part of a big event is when there’s something new to reveal, like a partnership with Stadia.
At this time though, Bungie is simply working as hard as it can on keeping Destiny 2 running, getting the seasonal content out, and ensuring that The Witch Queen comes out as early as possible next year. There’s probably very little for us to see, and if there was anything, it would look very different by the time the actual launch date comes along.
Bungie has to be careful with seasonal reveals because they often link in with the current season. If it gives away something too early, the current season could be ruined. That’s why there would have been no point in giving us a teaser of next season at E3 2021. Likewise, anything we see in The Witch Queen will spoil the seasons leading up to it, so we don’t want to see any of that too early either.
It’s the reality of these seasons now having such great storytelling. The more we know, the more the future is easy to see. Bungie has to tread this very fine line between giving us what we want, something to get excited about, and keeping us from being disappointed by blowing all of their big plot points at once.
Let us know if you think we should have had just a little something out of E3 2021 from Bungie in the comments.