Destiny News
What is Accessibility @ Bungie and What Does it Mean for Destiny 2?
Making the world a better place club by club.

Last week, Bungie revealed a new initiative that it’s hosting, Accessibility @ Bungie. This is a new initiative that fits alongside Black @ Bungie, Trans @ Bungie, and Women @ Bungie. It’s yet another effort from those working at the developer to make the company a more inclusive place and take into account the opinions and needs of those who are less able or differently abled to them. I always love hearing about game developers making strides like this, but having Bungie make them is even better.
What is Accessibility @ Bungie?
It’s pretty simple when you get down to it. Accessibility @ Bungie is an initiative that has the sole aim of raising awareness of disabilities both in the Guardian community and in the workplace. For Destiny 2, it means that the game is about to become even more inclusive. Efforts will be made to help those who are differently abled play the game in a way that’s best for them. Regardless of how that looks, effort is being made to bring the game to everyone who wants to be a Guardian.
For Bungie, this also means that there’s going to be some changes going on. I think the developer is probably going to make more of an effort to open up its hiring pool even more, giving those who are differently abled more of a chance to work with them. After all, the new HQ is designed for hybrid working, so anyone can work from home. That’s perfect if you’re not able to commute to an office but have valuable skills to offer a workplace like Bungie.
Finally, there’s also going to be a new Destiny 2 pin that you can buy. It’ll be part of Disability Awareness Month and raise money for the AbleGamers Charity. This is a great cause and helps those who can’t play games get the tools they need to play them. It might sound simple, but it goes a long way to making a significant change in people’s lives.
Let us know what you think of Accessibility @ Bungie. I can’t imagine anyone has anything negative to say, so let’s hear all of your love for what this incredible developer is doing.