Destiny News
Trials Of Osiris Is Coming Back With Season Of The Worthy
Yesterday Guardians completed the Empyrean Foundation community challenge. We knew we were close, but completing it this soon really is something else. While it’s now possible to grab the relevant rewards in the game, and there was a cool custscene, nothing special happened in-game. It’s the out of game announcements that were interesting.

Yesterday Guardians completed the Empyrean Foundation community challenge. We knew we were close, but completing it this soon really is something else. While it’s now possible to grab the relevant rewards in the game, and there was a cool custscene, nothing special happened in-game. It’s the out of game announcements that were interesting.
Trials Of Osiris Is Back
The big announcement has hit Twitter, and we got a brand new video showing that Trials of Osiris is going to return with Season of the Worthy, the next season in Destiny 2. There were hints bout this with Saint-14’s return, but now we have a bunch of details about the game mode’s big return to the game.
What’s Coming?
There are a lot of things coming back to Destiny 2 with Trials of Osiris, indicating that Season of the Worthy just might be a big nostalgia hit for Destiny fans. Here’s what we know so far, but keep an eye on the site for more in-depth articles as we research as much as we can about what’s happening.
Firstly, Saint-14 is the announcer for the game mode. This is brilliant, because it ties in with why there’s so much Trials stuff strewn around his area of the Tower. Guardians were keen to see the Titan take a more prominent role in the game, looks like they got their wish.
Trials of Osiris is returning to a weekend-only format. The game mode was always restricted, but Bungie’s Luke Smith described how this was the Friday night activity of every Guardian. It’s an element that Destiny 2 has been missing for ages, and now it’s coming back to be the core focus of every Guardian when they log in on a Friday night at the end of the week.
The old Trials of Osiris armour and weapons are coming back to Destiny 2 with Season of the Worthy. Bungie devs see the original rewards that Guardians could only get from going flawless as the best, and they want that prestige to return with the game mode. There will also be a sign on the Trials armour if a Fireteam manages to go flawless. It looks like the armour will glow with iconography that isn’t visible otherwise, giving you a way to be even more smug throughout the week.
Three classic Destiny 1 maps are coming back with Trials of Osiris and Season of the Worthy. Those maps are Exodus Blue, Cauldron, and Anomaly, three of the best.
Power Level will be a factor in Trials of Osiris once more. So just like Iron Banner, wearing the best armour you have, and equipping your highest Power Level weapons, is essential if you want to win.
Finally, Trials of Osiris goes live on the 13th of March, the Friday after the launch of Season of the Worthy and the end of Season of Dawn. There’s a requirement to unlock it, but I imagine it won’t be that difficult. To keep us going until the new season drops we also got some new art from it, check it out below and let us know what you think it’s all about in the comments.